Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
One more thing.

Iggy, you say that you didn't "betray" the the Insurgency. That is was a "mercy killing". But to what end? What were you hoping to avoid by killing it? That the two boards would be talking trash about the other? Is that the horrible fate you hoped to stop? Well, you closed the Insurgency (cause of invision) and yet the boards are still talking shit about the other. And you, in no small way, contribute to that with your insults towards us in your desperation to negate all the truthful things that we say about your dumbass.

So once again, you prove you're full of shit.

By mercy killing, I didn't mean to stop the two boards from talking trash about each other. There is no way to stop that. However, I could--and did--stop the war. It just got way too one-sided. It was like watching a boxing match where the referee just refused to call the match no matter how bloody and broken one of the pugilists was.

As far as talking shit goes, you are the one that still comes around here and makes it so damned easy, cupcake.

Oh, do you really think Invision shut down the boards? That is probably the most ignorant statement I have heard in quite awhile. I changed the name to Serious Interwebs. After you disappeared for a few days, I figured that you were gone from being picked on over there and pulled the plug completely. Neither you nor Ffag was able to do anything to get Invision to raise on god damned finger to intervene in all of this. Because, I'm sure, they saw it for the petty internet bullshit that it was and probably thought you were very deranged for even trying to get them to step-in on your behalf.

God, you are a complete fucktard with no grasp of what reality means.