Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden

i think catwoman could be a good choice for the next villain. bruce is currently without a love interest, and she's probably the next popular in the rogue hierarchy. they do then run the risk of comparisons, again, to the 90s films, and worse yet, the halle berry film.

Catwoman would be cool, especially if Nolan could make her different from the 66's series, and Burton's and Pitof's respective movies.

To me, Catwoman seems like the obvious choice, especially with the crack that Alfred made about cats in TDK.

She's a fairly "realistic" villain and seems the one most able to fit in with the world Nolan's created so far. Make her a jewel thief/martial artist with echoes of "the Bride" from "Kill Bill" (that is, a dangerous criminal, but one with a unique code of honor).

In addition, with Batman currently an "outlaw" it could set up a nice "temptation" plotline, in which Batman is drawn to Catwoman while at the same time growing tired of being thought of as a criminal without actually being one. He could start to wonder "if they're going to call me a criminal, why not have some fun and be one?"

Furthermore, as noted above, the previous love interest is dead so there's no reason not to have Bruce find himself attracted to a mysterious, dangerous, woman.

Finally, I wouldn't worry about the presence of Catwoman drawing comparisons to the Burton films (or even the Halle Berry crapfest). Both the Joker and Two-face were in the earlier series and that didn't stop Nolan from kicking ass with both characters.