Originally Posted By: Black Machismo

QUOTE (Captain Zzap @ Jul 29 2008, 01:12 AM)
Quickest reaction time yet!!!!!
Actually, every time you or one of the other RKMBers contradict yourselves and your attitude that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts, yeah, I consider that as a win in our column. Also, every time you or one of the RKBMers betray your ideal that nothing said on the internet has any significance by responding to one of our posts...an angel gets its wings.

Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win. It was Sikk or Halo that originally copied what I wrote here and posted it at the Likes it in the Ass that solicited these responses from you. Here is a doggie treat for being such a good boy and jumping through the hoop.

Wrong again, I don't need a win, in fact, I'd be quite happy never to have to think about or respond to you again; but it is somewhat satisfying, on a purely visceral level, to know that I'm annoying you enough that you feel the need to respond and prove yourself to be just another deluded RKMB liar who can't even maintain your most dearly held tenet about the importance of things said on the internet. Every response of yours or of the other RKMBers puts that entire line of thinking firmly in the category of being a lie and just something you all need to tell yourselves so you can continue to operate in the heinous fashion that you all so enjoy.

Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

However, just for the shits and grins you all seem to enjoy so much, please try and explain to me why that is a rationalization? Are you sure you know what that word means? If not, look it up or ask Knit for help (assuming she hasn't dumped your pathetic ass by now like she should have). You're the folks who stridently maintain that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously and then you all go and contradict yourselves by taking things seriously enough to want to respond to them. I just don't see how pointing out that hypocrisy of yours is a rationalization on my/our part.

As opposed to what? Staying at the Insurgency under your "leadership"? Yeah, I think we made the right decision.

Well, at least, you can admit you ran with your tail between your legs.

Hmmm...interesting take. I wonder if that's what all back stabbing despots and delusional little Tin G-ds whisper to themselves when they've curled up on the floor in the fetal position after fully realizing how shitty a person they really are when those they've betrayed leave them to wallow in the muck and mire of their pathetic fiefdom in order to resettle somewhere more to their liking? I'm guessing "yes".

Nothing subjective about it. You were a volunteer in our "cause", a trusted member of our inner circle and the founder of our board. You ratted us out and aided and abetted the "enemy. Nothing subjective at all. It was a betrayal. Anything else is a rationalization or a delusion. As for living in "fantasy land", I'd rather live there than in a pool of my own vomit while slumped over in an alley somewhere as so many drunks are wont to do.

You sure as hell should buy it, you joined us for that very reason, remember? Back when you had a spine and functioning soul you voluntarily joined us in our raid to help us support whomod. Unless, of course, you were pulling your Judas act as far back as that.

Hopefully, Pro can forgive me for sharing a little PM I sent him on May 26, 2008.

QUOTE (iggy)
Well, just thought you might like to know that it is really funny behind the locked door of the Insurgency right now. A few of us are taking the others to task for organizing the worst raid ever, not to mention the general lack of balls required to shut down the boards so that you guys couldn't raid back.

They've generally called a halt to all activities for the moment for "reorganizational purposes."

Anyway, just thought you might like to know that everybody else caught a bad case of the Dien Bien Phu.

And, lastly, I joined into this thing late just because I heard people were taking pot shots at family which is something I generally don't condone. But, upon getting here and seeing that it was a joke alt called whomod's daughter, the wind in my sails died. You guys aren't bad. He just went overboard.

Anyway, I'll try to get the idiots in line.


Honestly, if you couldn't see the idiocy of the raid then and now, you must really be one stupid fuck. As far as the "betrayal" goes, it really boiled down to an issue of conflicting ideologies about the board. You lost, you left.

Oooh..."stupid fuck". Now that hurt. It may have been too much for me…to…go…on…rolleyes.gif

So, anyway, not entirely sure what the point of posting the PM was; to prove that you were an asshole sell out as far back as May 26th? Or was it to “prove” that you considered the alt to be a joke? Oh, and since we have no real way of knowing what you did or didn’t do on May 26th, other than the word of an asshole sell out who stabbed us all in the back, you’ll forgive me if I’m just a tiny bit skeptical about anything you proffer as being the “truth”. Additionally, IMHO, that PM sure doesn’t sound like a “first contact” communiqué; if anything it sounds more like you giving Prometheus an update. Which would then indicate that you were betraying us even further back than May 26th.

Also, why is the word “betrayal” in your post in quotes? It’s neither questionable or up for debate. Your own PM just proved that. You betrayed us. You stabbed your friends in the back. There are no two ways about it. And you know as well as anyone that our leaving had nothing to do with any differences of idealogy, we left because you betrayed us.

Regardless, you're either missing the point or refusing to see it in order to preserve whatever shreds of self worth you have left. The point here wasn't whether or not the raid was "valid", but that you, having been fully informed ahead of time and with ample opportunity to do your own research, joined us anyway. And then betrayed us INSTEAD of asking us to re-evaluate the validity of the raid or otherwise stop it entirely. Yeah, I know you did try. You made ONE post. ONE. And even that was more to the effect of "I'm dropping out" instead of "this raid is invalid". See, that's what still puzzles me; why you thought we wouldn't listen to you. Were you so unsure of yourself or your position/influence at the Insurgency that you thought we'd...what...mutiny or something, even though we'd always gone along with ANY limitation/rule you issued in the past? Instead of trusting your friends enough to talk to them and tell them your opinions you must have felt that "it would be pointless because no one likes me or respects me enough to listen to me so I might as well just betray them and sell out to the "enemy".

Really now, Jordan, out of curiosity, was I that much of a threat to you? Were you really that jealous of my popularity and leadership in your extended absences that you felt you had no other choice but to destroy us if only to make yourself feel better? That's what I don't get.

I'm thinking Syd was right on the money here.

QUOTE (Ffag)
Maybe. Maybe not. I can't read Halo's mind, but the way it was presented to me and so far as I know to the rest of the Insurgents, was to defend whomod based on the precedent set by Starheart1976.

Heh. I just remembered that Star's avatar was of Green Lantern. Alan, of course, but Green Lantern all the same.

See my response above. Halo brought it to the attention of the Insurgency, not whomod. If he did it for revenge, he never mentioned it to me. Frankly, if it was for revenge, then that's on Halo. I know I wouldn't have gone to his defense for that reason. Whomod's daughter is another thing entirely. If Halo lied/tricked all of us (including you, by the way)...well what can you do? He got us to do what he wanted. Yup, the guy you all refer to as "Halotard" was smart enough to pull all of our strings, (again, your strings included), as our puppet master. I just don't see that as being the case. But then you already know all this. You read all the posts for yourself and based on what you saw, made a voluntary decision to help us support whomod. Remember? So, why the ambiguity? Why all these "questions"? Don't you remember reading all that stuff?

So, it was Halo who went overboard about the alt so he could get revenge. Sad. As for all the questions, see the PM above. I heard the rumblings. I was expecting something sinister. I got that. I voluntarily withdrew my help and support. Now, I understand why. This was really all just a chance for Wanky to try and get a little Lost Lantern revenge.

Oy! Yes, it was Halo. It was always Halo. I’ve said that about 100 times already. It’s no secret. Jeez! Are you that much of a stupid fuck? happy.gif

Again, I can't comment on Halo's intent. Personally, however, it doesn't sound like the Halo I know, so I doubt that was the case. Conversely, the Halo I know would act to defend a friend, so...I guess I have made up my mind. Halo didn't do it for the reason you'd all love to think he did; he did it for all the "right" reasons.

So, you “heard the rumblings” and expected “something ‘sinister’” and instead of bringing your concerns up to the board for discussion or at least with your Co-Admins in a PM, you thought the right way for you to go is to stab us in the back and sell us out to the enemy. Well, that’s good to know.

Indeed. I'm both glad and a little surprised you remember and admit that I extended my hand in friendship to you in that way; way above and beyond what most people would do for someone they knew only from the internet, (see the similarity here between what I did for you and what I did for whomod?)And who is there to say that had you accepted some help your life wouldn't be even better than it is today? I'm sure I don't need to quote you statistics about success vs. recidivism rates back into alcoholism, especially in regards to when the alcoholic goes it alone vs. assisted by a support system. Or do I?

First lesson I received about statistics in my stats class, learn to lie with them. Oh, also, who is there to say my life wouldn't be worse? See, it can go both ways when you use lame what-might-have-been questions like that.

Your life could have been worse? You sure about that? Fine, if that's what you choose to believe. I can't imagine how having the support and assistance of people who cared about you could make your life worse, but I suppose anything is possible. Good argument, btw.

Man, this argument is just annoyingly lame. My relationship with my children is far, far more secure than any you may have experienced. In fact, based on what I've seen of your actions and the actions of the entire RKMBoard, I'm confident in saying that my relationship with my children is not something you or they can fathom. It's a relationship based on love, honesty, trust and a mutual understanding and agreement about what is important in life. I can assure you that as a family we agree that friends are important, sticking up for friends is very important and defending those that can't defend themselves is of utmost importance. Maybe chalk that last one up to being Jewish. Regardless, in point of fact, when I told my son that he would be having a friend over so that I could spend time online defending a friend whose baby daughter was attacked, he had no problem with it. That's the kind of family I was raised in and the family that I'm raising.

I still can't believe that out of all the insurgents who saw the alt, I am the only one who realized that it was the lamest excuse for a raid ever.

And some of us still can't believe that you'd sell us all out. I know for a fact that you weren't the only Insurgent who recognized the alt for what it was but some acted for other reasons, too. Perhaps the alt was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It's been well known that the RKMB had been bashing whomod for years over his liberal beliefs and postings, maybe the combination of the two was enough for some to finally take a stand. Like Halo, for instance, who shares whomod's political leanings, or our very own group, The Hellhounds, who raid for the simple enjoyment of it. They surely don't need much, if any, reason to go on the offensive with another board.

BTW, couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to anything in my paragraph and what you posted was something of a non sequitur.

Good luck trying to understand that.

I didn't think you could.


P.S. Or, you and/or Joe could just give us another win by responding. Your choice. 39.gif smile.gif

See the first part of the post about it being my post here that was copied there getting you to jump through hoops. If you want to consider being held by the bit a win, then go ahead you sad, creepy man.

And now we come to what has actually been my favorite part of this love letter; the part where the pot calls the kettle black. I'll just use your words here to make a fool of you again: "Saddest rationalization ever. I need a win. So, if you respond, I win."

LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif LOL.gif


Or do I? 6.gif


whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."