Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
even now, you're concocting a response. we can see it. we can smell it. maybe you wont post immediately. maybe you'll log out, first, then lurk, then confer with your pals, then return, more triumphant than ever. but the dance will be the same; all of us have fun, and you are lost in a world of taking things too seriously.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You mean, because I post here (whenever I want) then go do something else I'm obsessed?

heh. close enough.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do

so are you saying you're exactly like us?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
how great you are


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you desperate extremist are creating shit like "you all must think you're are morally superior"

 Originally Posted By: zap
Grab the moral highground

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Yes. We came here because you are stupid assholes who can't mount more of a offensive then "aww poor baby" type shit. We claim moral superiority again and again.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
and of coure the famous "you made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom which is exactly the same thing as talking about someone brand new baby girl" which of course is the ultimate proof of how deluded you fucking neanderthals are.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
you can hardly talk about "moving on" when you have a forum named "Random thoughts and the Insurgency Roast".


well, wait. more than heh.

you see, dear friend, we do this in jest. and, sure, i don't know why i said "you see", because you don't, and thus all the fun we're having. but the point is we enjoy messing with you. and not just you (though especially you). we don't take this seriously. this is having a few moments of fun on the intrawebs, gloriously at your expense. it is comical for all and financially rewarding for me. all i have to do is say some words here, and you'll get all angry and poo out a bucket of spelling errors. wash, rinse, repeat.

many of your fellow pals got that. some bailed out because it got silly for them, or maybe they always thought it was silly. but you are amongst the few that couldn't let go, and tried to win at all costs and obsessed and dedicated and strategized and retaliated and returned and planned and plotted, etc. this has clearly not stopped, or even slowed.

that is taking it too seriously. that is how individuals "lose" on this here internetopia.

but you don't see that. and you won't see that.

and we all look forward to your response.

giant picture