Believe what you want. I could care less. But, just so you know, I shut the boards down. Invision didn't bother me when Steve tried to have them remove me as admin of my own forum. They didn't contact me if people complained to them about you and baby rape.
Suuurrrrreeeeee Iggy. Cause I trust your word
And, honestly, don't flatter yourself by thinking people are obsessed with you. No one is. The reason I pulled the plug after a few days of you not being around was because it was your petty posting that made the victory party quite humurous. You come here, as you came there, and post these venom filled posts that almost paint vididly all the torment and teeth-gnashing that you are going through over this. Seriously, your posts are so full of angst. And, I'm not just talking about the watered down version of angst that people commonly use these days. I'm talking about pure Heideggerian angst.
Hey asshole, you said it yourself. You only kept the board open for me! That along with a plethora of weird/stupid/hypocritical things you and your masters do I think you're obsessed. Next time, choose your lies more carefully so they don't betray your inner obsession.
Not full of angst Iggy, full of honesty. My "insistence" on painting these guys as bad is based off experience and the ability to see past the trappings. Something you obvsiously can't do. Hell, even Whomod who's been here years more than I was and hasn't been that involved in all this bullshit agrees with me. He himself told you you are "missing the forest for the trees". Which is true.
I wouldn't talk about "angst" Iggy. Cause you've seemed very testy. And I can say you've been testy cause your posts are different than usual. You are usually relaxed and yet (since bringing up Invision) you've been very aggresive saying things like "you are an idiot with no sense of reality".
As I responded to Zzap in one of the other threads, Whomod could've stopped it all but never did. You are just the same. You can stop the taunting, Tommy. All you have to do is realize you have a problem and quit posting.
Why stop it? What fucking difference does it make you drama queen? You talk about "ending the war" as if any of this matters and therefore you take it more seriously than anyone. Yes, I hate alot of the guys on this board cause I've seen past there bullshit. Yes, rex is a deprived sack of shit. But in the end none of this really matters. It really just comes down to self expression and helping a friend but YOU made more of it. If I have a problem then it's a problem you yourself share Iggy cause you've talked as much shit as anyone in this whole fiasco. That and your complete lack of judgement and spine. But I'm repeating myself now. It's just hard to believe how incredibly full of shit you are. Joe, Sammitch, Rob, yeah but I'm still getting used to your idiocy.
I hang out here because the board has a lot of good people. Of course, you fail to see that because of your insistence on painting them as "the bad guys." Believe it or not, it is just that simple.
I don't think it is, but it's a moot point because my point was more about pointing out how banal these guys are yet you feed into it. Why? What makes there words and claims on the internet anymore valid? What makes them so clever in your eyes where they tally up points is more of what my question was but you knew that and ducked it. But I don't really care. Pretty sure it's just a matter of you being weak and overdramatic (and unlike me and the other Insurgents you don't know it).