Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Pro have you seen Iron Man? Ypu said Dark Knight was the best superhero flick youve ever seen?

I think this was awesome and rates as number 2 for me, but I really think Iron Man was a better superhero flick.

My take on it is that Iron Man is the best comicbook superhero movie, but DK was the better movie.
I consider the Batman films to be less like a comic book hero, and more of a reality based superhero movie.
Yeah, DK was still high in the fantasy stakes, but so far removed from the over the top super heroics of Spidey, FF, Iron Man and Supes etc.

Storywise, DK was easily the better story, but was not really like watching a comic book come to life.

Simple fact is though, with movies like those two, we are all winners! (except Pariah, but he is retarded anyway)