Tons of spoilers (although I think at this point, most who will read this thread know there are spoilers in it!)

. My 2 cents:

*it's weird to compare Jack's Joker to Heath's Joker. It's kind of apples and oranges. One was cartoony and funny, the other was intense and just completely nuts. Like a happy, funny drunk vs. a scary drunk. And in Jack's defense, at that point in his career and at that age, it was hard to watch him and forget he was Jack. Heath had the advantage of being much younger, and not having nearly as much of a public perception of/familiarity with him (plus he didn't have a super distinctive voice the way Jack Nicholson does). Also, I really liked Michael Keaton as Batman...a few people said he was too old to play the role, but Christian Bale is 34 and Keaton was what, in his late 30s?

*I agree that Maggie Gyllenhaal was miscast. Sure, they didn't need to get a beautiful girl to play the part...but I was distracted thinking, "Whoa, Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent both desperately want this girl? WHY? She's not that pretty, not that interesting."

*A few people have brought up Aaron Eckhart...I thought he was excellent as well. While the Heath overdosing aspect is getting a lot of attention for the movie, to me Heath wasn't necessarily the star in the movie. I enjoyed watching Harvey Dent's "man who will save the city" thing, but then it gets twisted when Rachel dies. I thought of Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhart as having equally important parts in the movie. I actually kind of even thought Aaron Eckhart surpassed Christian Bale.

*I didn't mind the voice Christian Bale put on as Batman. To me it wasn't particularly distracting.

*With the Heath Ledger hype, let's not rewrite history...yes, his death ABSOLUTELY has gotten this movie a tremendous amount of attention. But in the months before his death, there was a lot of fanboy talk about him in the role. People were posting the first shots of him in the makeup, etc., and saying, "Oooh, Heath Ledger as the Joker, now THAT will be interesting! Wonder what he'll do with that? He was so good in Monster's Ball, etc."

*The scene with the Joker walking away from the hospital was fucking weird and creepy and funny, all at once. But the part that got to me was when he was in the car (I think it was in the police car?), sticking his head out the window while there was no sound...that made me shiver. It reminded me of what he said to Harvey in the hospital about being a dog chasing a car, but if he caught up to the car he wouldn't know what to do with it...just completely nonsensical to stick his head out the window like that, like a dog.

*The scenes towards the end with the snipers and the hostages and Morgan Freeman doing all the computer stuff to figure out what floors people were on...that was kind of disorienting. I found myself going, "Wait, what?" and trying to figure out what the hell was going on. It was going so fast. (But I'll readily admit, I don't see a whole lot of action movies because they move so fast that it's often hard to follow...I'm the asshole in the theater who's asking the friend next to me, "Wait, is that the same guy who killed the other guy in that last scene?" Haa...I think Jerry Seinfeld did a stand-up joke about that, and I am SO that moron.)

*Harvey's make up was incredibly disgusting and yet I couldn't look away.

*Yes to whoever said Bruce's gf was built like a model and not a ballerina. With those huge boobs, she was actually built more like a porn star!

Great movie.