Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
she has never exhibited the ability to play anything with any depth, she would be perceived as a caricature, the third movie really has to hit on all cylinders not to be considered a failure, and casting a subpar actress for a crucial role is not the way to go....

Perfect example was the movie Alexander, which for all its faults, was a serious film.
Granted the film was pretty awful all round, but her inability to do an accent other than Russian (thats what it sounded like), and totally wooden delivery of all her lines, made for probably the worst role in the whole film.
And for my money, to be singled out in a film that is all round badness, says something.

Quite frankly, when people talk about Jolie, they rarely talk about anything other than her breasts.
Scarlett Johannson and Jennifer Connelly have proved you can have big tits and still actually act!