Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

Charlize Theron
Mila Jovovich
Christina Ricci
Anne Hathaway
Evangaline Lily
Eliza Dushka
Ali Larter
Jennifer Connelly
Scarlett Johansen

I hate to say it, but I think Jolie would be better than any of those choices.

You have no taste!

Don't get me wrong. They're all varying degrees of hotness, and some are good, if not better, actresses than Jolie. But, with the possible exception of Theron, none of them say "Catwoman" to me.

Ricci, Dushku, Hathaway and Johannson all seem too young to me. Connolly has never, from what I've seen, ever been able to play anything but the girl next door (even if that girl's strung out on heroin and going ass to ass). I don't think Larter, Jovovich or Lily are very good actresses (meaning they probably have Pro's vote).

So that leaves, basically, Theron. However, I think she has most of the same baggage that Jolie has.

Or, you can listen to Pro and bring back Halle Berry for a TnA tour-de-force and destroy the franchise all over again.