McCain touts Democrats' praise
  • On Thursday, McCain's campaign released a one-minute Web ad seeking to burnish his maverick image -- with testimonials from prominent Democrats.

    The montage includes Hillary Rodham Clinton's scathing assessment of Obama's readiness to be president: "I know Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."

    There is footage of Obama defender Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, who reportedly considered McCain as a running mate in 2004, calling McCain "a courageous, patriotic American who stands up for what he believes." Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., a potential vice presidential pick, is shown stating he would be "honored to run with or against John McCain."

    Perhaps most embarrassing is a 2003 clip of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean saying he modeled his own presidential bid on McCain's 2000 run because of McCain's direct manner.