[A] Denver TV news report about an "underground ... unethical" effort by Team Obama to raise money by selling "free" tickets to the Invesco Field speech to "deep pocket" democrats:
Jesus Christ. Couldn't they have just went for the some-what honest route of saying that most tickets to the event are free except for a segment reserved for donors willing to contribute to help keep tickets for the general public free.
in all seriousness do you think ray really believes that? he seems too smart for that i think it's more of the back and forth forum stuff. inside he does have to wonder why Obama would be buddies with a terrorist.
In all seriousness, I think Ray's probably a good guy in real life, but he lives in San Francisco, probably the most uniformly left-wing major city in America.
As a result, the only "facts" and opinions he ever sees or hears outside of places like this board are completely skewed liberal talking points that no one ever questions because the whole city's drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid.
i would venture to guess the local tv and newspapers dont cover the facts either. i was reading a story about a poll from a SF paper, and in the story it said "In a recent poll 12% of Americans incorrectly say they believe that Obama is secretly Muslim." Wtf? How can they say they incorrectly believe he is secretly Muslim? If he is secretly Muslim the paper wouldnt know. Why not just report that 12% believe he is secretly Muslim.
i would venture to guess the local tv and newspapers dont cover the facts either. i was reading a story about a poll from a SF paper, and in the story it said "In a recent poll 12% of Americans incorrectly say they believe that Obama is secretly Muslim." Wtf? How can they say they incorrectly believe he is secretly Muslim? If he is secretly Muslim the paper wouldnt know. Why not just report that 12% believe he is secretly Muslim.
bsams, thank you for brining this to my attention. Internet feedback is very important to us here and your concern has been noted and will be looked into at the earliest possible moment. For future reference your case number is: A-124-654-852-752-2222-7777-343545434534-Charlie-Foxtrot-7
Good. The Democratic leadership needs a reminder that this war is still a bungled, costly mess that needs to end. Some seem to have forgotten that America is sick of what BushCo dragged us into.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
I'm not arguing that alts aren't "real" people...I'm wondering how "Bushco" dragged Canada into anything. I have a hard time accepting that Canada is the US' bitch to the point where they'll join in on an ill-advised war just cuz we says so...
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
Yes, "us." I'm an American citizen, and my taxes helped pay for this mess... over my strident objections, of course.
Oh. So Sikkbones is letting you use his alt. Gotcha. Which former Insurgent am I talking to now?
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
Racial infighting among Democrats, which marred the presidential primaries, has flared up again at the party’s convention in Denver, where a black Hillary Clinton delegate is accusing a Barack Obama delegate of calling her an “Uncle Tom.”
The epithet comes from the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 19th century anti-slavery novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” and typically it is construed as an insult meaning a black person who acts passively or submissively toward whites.
i will say this about the local people around here, a local Republican who got millions in money to the area for bridges, roads, industrial parks ect died in a head on crash while drunk also killing a mother of 3. a few years later the local Republicans wanted to name a bridge after him and the public outcry was enormous. at least around here we dont honor murderers no matter how big of a politician they are.
Uschi said: I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.
MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!
"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
Police are ready for just about anything. They've suited up in riot gear. The Pepsi Center is surrounded by concrete barriers and wire fences.
I don't disagree with the need to provide a high level of security. However, when the GOP did the same thing in 2004, didn't the left claim that this was "censorship" designed to "stifle the right to protest"?
The decision by Barack Obama to relocate the Democratic National Convention into Invesco Field so he can deliver his acceptance speech before 80,000 people has resulted in massive confusion and long lines that have delegates steamed.
"This is totally disorganized," one Connecticut delegate fumed. "They wanted to fill a stadium, now a lot of people are going to say it's not worth it."
Another delegate snapped."They basically took a convention, and decided to throw an extra 60,000 people into it."
Then I called the press office, which said there was, in fact, a press entrance, and they said I should just walk through the line, and tell a police officer. So I started to walk, before a guy in a green neon vest with "EVENT STAFF" printed on it stopped me and started yelling.
I ploughed ahead, getting about 10 paces before I encountered a police officer. I explained my situation.
"There's no media entrance," he said. "I can't let you through this line. I'm under strict orders from the Secret Service."
After waiting about another 20 minutes, I finally came across a police officer who knew about the media entrance and who pointed me in the right direction -- where I got to wait in another line....