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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
x sandy.

Don't jump on the bandwagon. Surprise me for once.

someone wasn't paying attention to the context. I realize marxist hippie fun land probably got under your skin,

Nice try, Phil. Should I retort by saying the Nazi comment got under yours?

but I wasn't questioning adler's patriotism (the level of which, I feel, is pretty self-evident)

No, you were attempting to define patriotism as a singular ideology that you happen to agree with, and he does not.

so much as I was questioning how the constructive part of his criticism pertained in any way to the actual United States as opposed to the idealized imaginary United States he so enjoys comparing everything to.

So, then what you're saying is because Ray finds flaw in how the Feds run the nation, but doesn't offer an exact, and perfect solution to said criticisms that you agree with, then he's wrong for criticizing at all?

call a spade a spade, I say. if he's really so adamant about his political convictions, he shouldn't be so ashamed of them that he has to try and write off his open dissent as some kind of bass-ackwards patriotism.

Newsflash chief: Open dissent is American patriotism. From origin to civil war to civil rights to protests, America is nothing but open dissent. Thus, you obviously didn't get my point...

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I realize marxist hippie fun land probably got under your skin...

That's Canada's official motto, you know.

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Another Controversial Obama Magazine Cover

Brodswald, New Hampringshire - In a move that can only be described as "tacky", the popular women's magazine Ladies' Home Journal has chosen to feature a caricature of presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle on the cover of the September issue. Thousands of people in waiting rooms and grocery store check-out lanes across the nation were stunned by the otherwise sensible magazine's apparent lack of taste.

Regular readers were put off by this domestic magazine's foray into the realm of political tomfoolery. "When I picked up this month's issue, all I wanted was some tips on how to get those horrible smudges off of the end table," bemoaned one reader, Thelma Thurgood, 46, who wishes to remain anonymous. "But instead I find this filth! I mean, look at all the things wrong with it! Barack's American flag lapel pin is too low, and Michelle isn't wearing a proper Islamic headdress!" Outrageous though the spectacle may be, Thurgood later noted that she absolutely must find out who does Michelle's hair.

Obama's spokesman issued the following statement in regard to the magazine cover: "We feel that some corrections are in order for this... display Ladies' Home Journal has shown us. First of all, there are some inaccuracies with the words "Save money at the gas pump" emblazoned on Obama. If Obama is elected, you will not have to lower your gas prices. We is lower them for you. This is the change that you can believe in and hope for that will can bring to you as you hope for it. Change."

Despite the the fact that this magazine cover is an abomination[1] before god and man, some citizens seem curiously unbothered by this image. "I'll tell you what," one correspondent told us what, "that Obama got what was coming to him. Maybe some day America will have a Muslim elected president, but I hope to never live to see the day that happens. No sirree, you're not gonna have a Muslim government forcing our children to go to school and making us pray five times a day to however many gods they have, least not on my watch." Our correspondent took off for a trip to to 'lanta, where he plans to defend the city from the Russian invasion of Georgia just like his pa defended it from Sherman during the war.[2]

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Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Barack Hussein Obama in '08?

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 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Another Controversial Obama Magazine Cover

Brodswald, New Hampringshire - In a move that can only be described as "tacky", the popular women's magazine Ladies' Home Journal has chosen to feature a caricature of presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle on the cover of the September issue. Thousands of people in waiting rooms and grocery store check-out lanes across the nation were stunned by the otherwise sensible magazine's apparent lack of taste.

Regular readers were put off by this domestic magazine's foray into the realm of political tomfoolery. "When I picked up this month's issue, all I wanted was some tips on how to get those horrible smudges off of the end table," bemoaned one reader, Thelma Thurgood, 46, who wishes to remain anonymous. "But instead I find this filth! I mean, look at all the things wrong with it! Barack's American flag lapel pin is too low, and Michelle isn't wearing a proper Islamic headdress!" Outrageous though the spectacle may be, Thurgood later noted that she absolutely must find out who does Michelle's hair.

Obama's spokesman issued the following statement in regard to the magazine cover: "We feel that some corrections are in order for this... display Ladies' Home Journal has shown us. First of all, there are some inaccuracies with the words "Save money at the gas pump" emblazoned on Obama. If Obama is elected, you will not have to lower your gas prices. We is lower them for you. This is the change that you can believe in and hope for that will can bring to you as you hope for it. Change."

Despite the the fact that this magazine cover is an abomination[1] before god and man, some citizens seem curiously unbothered by this image. "I'll tell you what," one correspondent told us what, "that Obama got what was coming to him. Maybe some day America will have a Muslim elected president, but I hope to never live to see the day that happens. No sirree, you're not gonna have a Muslim government forcing our children to go to school and making us pray five times a day to however many gods they have, least not on my watch." Our correspondent took off for a trip to to 'lanta, where he plans to defend the city from the Russian invasion of Georgia just like his pa defended it from Sherman during the war.[2]

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 Originally Posted By: BSAMS reader, Thelma Thurgood, 46, who wishes to remain anonymous...

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Obama: Rev. Wright a 'wonderful man':
  • In a recently resurfaced television interview from 1995, Barack Obama describes Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a "wonderful man" who "represents the best of what the black Church has to offer."

    "Wright, who is my pastor, and he is a wonderful man…He's a pastor of a large congregation in Chicago, and one of the interesting things that I discover in my journey to discover what my identity is and who my father is, is also discovering my own faith, which is not necessarily a traditional faith. I don’t come out of an institutionalized religious setting, but what becomes important to me as I work with churches in the South Side of Chicago and low income neighborhoods is to realize that all of the stories and songs of the Church, the hope that is embodied in the Church, the sense of liberation that is embodied in the historically African American Church, is really something that moves me deeply, and I think is probably the main pillar around which a lot of inner city communities are going to be built, and Rev. Wright, my pastor who I speak about in the chapter in the book, I think represents the best of what the black Church has to offer."

To be fair to Obama, I'm sure it wasn't until the past year that he realized Wright was a racist.

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There are my two favorite quotes from the comment section that's asking the question why troops support Obama.

Michael from Greenfield, Wi.

As a Vietnam era ex-Marine veteran with a son who is in the Army and was wounded in Iraq in 2003, I would vever give a penny to John McCain. I personally do not know any other veterans who are donating to McCain either.
Jack. Veterans hate war, wrong wars, and the people who talk so cavalier about waging it. Usually those that never served during war, or never served at all are the ones who talk so loosely about war. The veterans that I knew when I was in that liked war, were either stupid, crazy, homicidal, or all of the above. Where does that leave McCain.

David, Tampa, Fl August 15th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Jack, the reason is the lower ranks, guys with their butts on the line doing the dirty work, want to return home quickly. They will support that canidate that will extract them from hams ways they hope. Higher ranking officers, who spend most of their time brown-nosing for their next promotion and are in the rear areas and pertty much out of harms way, support those they beleive will increase their lot in life. Respectfully a Viet Nam era Vet.

So far everytime I've posted this at a message boards the Republicans have gone into utter denial. I guess it's a blow to the partisan ego that historically combat vets have donated to other combat vets but now they're not.

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Some vets do. Some vets don't. I know vets who are supporting McCain. As much as both sides like to corral people into categories, the fact is that those people are individuals with their own opinions and morals.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Some vets do. Some vets don't. I know vets who are supporting McCain. As much as both sides like to corral people into categories, the fact is that those people are individuals with their own opinions and morals.

Well no shit. Nobodies saying all the vets are donating to Obama. However, most of the vets who are overseas right now are donating to him which is unprecedented.

To be fair, most vets of other like 'nam and Korea are donating to McCain.

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I'd already read that a lot of the Iraq vets were Obama supporters. Contrary to your prediction in another thread, I'm not terribly surprised or upset by that.

They're younger, and often minorities, both of which are part of Obama's core constituency.

Sure, I'd prefer they realize that McCain will be better for their long-term interests, but I'm not going to attack them for making a choice I disagree with. They're the ones who fight for the right to vote, after all.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'd already read that a lot of the Iraq vets were Obama supporters. Contrary to your prediction in another thread, I'm not terribly surprised or upset by that.

They're younger, and often minorities, both of which are part of Obama's core constituency.

Sure, I'd prefer they realize that McCain will be better for their long-term interests, but I'm not going to attack them for making a choice I disagree with. They're the ones who fight for the right to vote, after all.

That's right, write off the opinions of the people who are actually there cause they are young and minorities .

I don't suppose it's possible they support Obama cause they actually don't like this war and feel in the long-term it's better that America not be war mongers?

I don't suppose it's possible they support Obama cause of how horribly fucked up this war has been?

I don't suppose they support Obama cause they're pissed off cause they had to fight while the Iraq politicians took a two month vacation.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause there were no WMD's in Iraq.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause this whole war has destabalized the middle east in the "long-term".

I don't suppose they support Obama cause the govt. managed to get oil trucks into Iraq before they could send the troops supplies and armor.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause McCain has flip flopped going from Bush's main Republican adversary to following in his foot steps.

I don't suppose they support Obama cause they have to live with the idea of killing people for a war that at BEST is precarious.

No, of course not, it's cause they are "young and minorities"

Things are pretty fucked up in America right now and McCain like all Republicans is too busy trying to save face to make any change. At least with Obama there's a chance he'll do something. I'm not as naive as you, G-man. I realize that Obama's talk might be for show but I'd rather be dissapointed with him than vote for a guy I know won't do shit to help. And maybe the troops agree.

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So, when these same people supported George W. Bush four years ago, what was your reason for that?

All I'm saying is that soldiers are no different than anyone else. They vote the way they do for a lot of reasons, some of which I might agree with, some of which I might not.

But, unlike you, I'm not going to assume they're some sort of uniform voting bloc or attack them when I disagree with their choice.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
So, when these same people supported George W. Bush four years ago, what was your reason for that?

All I'm saying is that soldiers are no different than anyone else. They vote the way they do for a lot of reasons, some of which I might agree with, some of which I might not.

But, unlike you, I'm not going to assume they're some sort of uniform voting bloc or attack them when I disagree with their choice.

I think Teddy Roosevelt was the one who said "you don't change horses midstream". That's my big reason. Presidents have never been outed at 4 years in a time of war. Besides, 2004 was alot different. The Iraq war was only in it's infancy of controversy and since then you have other fuck ups like Katrina, Guantanamo, CIA leaks, high gas prices, a fucked up economy, and other factors that have blemished the Republicans.

But you're are backpeddling. You limited the reason for troops to vote for Obama to being minorities and youth. So if anyone is insulting someone for having a differing opinion. Cause I KNOW I never did.

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 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
So, when these same people supported George W. Bush four years ago, what was your reason for that?

All I'm saying is that soldiers are no different than anyone else. They vote the way they do for a lot of reasons, some of which I might agree with, some of which I might not.

But, unlike you, I'm not going to assume they're some sort of uniform voting bloc or attack them when I disagree with their choice.

I think Teddy Roosevelt was the one who said "you don't change horses midstream". That's my big reason. Presidents have never been outed at 4 years in a time of war. Besides, 2004 was a_lot different. The Iraq war was only in it's infancy of controversy and since then you have other fuck ups like Katrina, Guantanamo, CIA leaks, high gas prices, a fucked up economy, and other factors that have blemished the Republicans.

But you're are backpeddling. You limited the reason for troops to vote for Obama to being minorities and youth. So if anyone is insulting someone for having a differing opinion [fragment]. [Be]cause I KNOW I never did.


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
So, when these same people supported George W. Bush four years ago, what was your reason for that?

All I'm saying is that soldiers are no different than anyone else. They vote the way they do for a lot of reasons, some of which I might agree with, some of which I might not.

But, unlike you, I'm not going to assume they're some sort of uniform voting bloc or attack them when I disagree with their choice.

I think Teddy Roosevelt was the one who said "you don't change horses midstream". That's my big reason. Presidents have never been outed at 4 years in a time of war. Besides, 2004 was a_lot different. The Iraq war was only in it's infancy of controversy and since then you have other fuck ups like Katrina, Guantanamo, CIA leaks, high gas prices, a fucked up economy, and other factors that have blemished the Republicans.

But you're are backpeddling. You limited the reason for troops to vote for Obama to being minorities and youth. So if anyone is insulting someone for having a differing opinion [fragment]. [Be]cause I KNOW I never did.

Thanks for the corrections, Captain Smuggish. In return, let me help you out before you knock up another imaginary/bought/tranvestite "girl"friend.

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I'll have to catch that later. I'm busy reading this!

 Originally Posted By: Wank & Cry
Written by Thomas Tantillo
Silver Surfer is a property of Marvel Comics and is used without permission.

Silver Surfer #1 The Obsessed.

Page 1

Panel 1: Looking out into the cosmos seeing only stars.

1 Cap: Looking up into the heavens a boy once wished for nothing more then roam among the stars. He and his kin had everything they could ever want yet the boy needed more.

Panel 2: Focusing in we see a bright light in the distance.

2 Cap: He was a born explorer and like all explorers he was possessed by desire that he could not define. A yearning to find something deeper in all around him.

Panel 3: Coming closer we see the light streaking through the cosmos.

3 Cap: I came to pass that the boy's boys wishes would come true when he made a noble, yet self serving, sacrifice to become the herald to Galactus the Devourer of worlds.

Panel 4: Now we're close enough to see that there are two distinctly diffrent lights. One orange followed by blue.

4 Cap: Not only did he get to roam with the stars but he became one with them. He became.

Page 2

Splash: Silver Surfer chasing after Firelord.

5 Cap: ...The Silver Surfer.

6 Cap: He and I have engaged in a tit for tat for years now. He is my greatest obsession. And he is not without his own compulsions. Like all explorers he never stops searching. Even now he searches for the slightest possibility of redemption for a foe he once considered friend.

7 Silver Surfer: End this mad rampage Perilous Kryl.

8 FireLord: My name is Firelord. Whatever remained of Perilous Kryl was left behind in the cold corridors of death.

Page 3

Panel 1: Silver Surfer unleashes powerful blasts from his hands towards Firelord.

9 Silver Surfer: And now you dispense that which you abhor.

Panel 2: Firelord spins his staff shielding him from the Surfers blasts.

11 Firelord: The Kree are a disease. It is time they taste of extinction so they may no longer brutishly leave death and destruction in their wake.

Panel 3: The right side of Surfers face and shoulder. He has a stern look while he tries to reason with FireLord.

12 Surfer: No love have I for the Kree but they are not the only one who have fell before your pharisaic wrath.

Panel 4: The left side of Firelords face and shoulder as he harshly rebukes Surfers reasoning.

13 FireLord: All scum. Perhaps if "heroes" such as yourself had taken firmer action years ago with the Kree or Skrull their victims wouldn't number so high. Perhaps Annihilation would not have caused such carnage with his Wave. Carnage that you missed while once again in thrall to Galactus.

Panel 5: Surfer and Firelord speeding toward eachother.

14 Surfer: And what would you have me do with you Perlous?

15 Firelord: I'd have you stay out of my way.

16 Surfer: That I cannot do.

Panel 6: The left side Firelords face with his eye squinted and focused.

17 Firelord: Very well.

Page 4

Panel 1: Mephisto watching a massive and yet splendidly beautiful explosion from a distance standing on a asteroid.

18 Cap: The power Galactus has givin his Heralds is uncanny. Firelord has created a supernova engulfing them both in a magnifient yet catastrophic explosion. Most amazing of all is that neither of them will be harmed by the blast so I'm not quite sure why Firelord has envoked this stratagy but I'm sure he had his reasons.

Panel 2: Seeing Mephisto from the side as the waves of the Supernova pass by him.

19 Cap: It is unbecoming of one such as I to express sentiment but there are exceptions. How could I not appreciate the splendor of a Supernova. Our roles in the scheme of things are actually quite akin when I too bring out the beauty in death, destruction, and tragedy.

Page 5

Panel 1: The Surfer, having been laid low, rises from his board looking around for Firelord.

20 Cap: Ah, now I see Firelords purpose for that Supernova. A means of escape.

Panel 2: Firelord camoflaged with the darkness of space behind the Surfer.

21 Cap: He has rather cleverly cloaked himself in dark matter.

Panel 3: Surfer peering into space with his eyes illuminated looking for Firelord.

22 Cap: With his Galactus givin sight, which can see across galaxies, Surfer undoubtedly sees the pocket of Dark Matter but assumes it's a result of the explosion.

Panel 4: Surfer suddenly sees something that horrifies him.

23 Cap: Eventually Surfer would figure it out but...

Panel 5: Over Surfer's shoulder we see Mephisto in the distance.

24 Cap: ...Something else catches his eye.

Panel 6: Surfer speeding toward Mephisto's location.

25 Cap: Like all explorers he's easily distracted.

Page 6

Panel 1: Surfer gets to where Mephisto was standing only to find no one there. He looks around bewildered.

26 Cap: Perhaps he'll assume the explosion has upset his senses. Or not. Either way I've provideded Firelord the space he needs to escape. Which serves my purposes for another day.

Panel 2: From a chest level view we look to see Surfer staring intently at the stars.

27 Surfer: I know you can hear me Kryl. Beware.

Panel 3: Surfer leaving the scene behind with some final words.

28 Surfer: There are deeper and darker abysses then death to fall into.

29 Cap: HA. There certainly are.

Panel 4: Firelord leaving with a heavy brow.

Page 7

Panel 1: Surfer riding the spaceways.

30 Cap: There are many misconceptions of the Surfer. For one, he's not a warrior. Battle and hate have very taxing affects on him. Between my looming presence in his mind and his donnybrook with Firelord he is in need of repast.

Panel 2: Surfer looking into the distance with a slight look of glee.

31 Cap: And what better place to gather his thoughts.

Panel 3: A light blue spot among the starts.

32 Cap: Then Earth. The world he has all but adopted as his own.

Page 8

Panel 1: Surfer entering Earths atmosphere.

33 Cap: I cannot read minds but in the case of the Silver Surfer I do not need to. I know why he returns to a world that once served as his prison for years. I know why he returns to a world that has disheartened and infuriated him at every turn.

34 Cap: It reminds him of Zenn-La

Page 9

Panel 1: Surfer soaring over the ocean.

33 Cap: Far less advanced and civilized but in terms of visage the geography and people are very similiar.

Panel 2: With his hands behind his back Surfer moves slowly a few feet above the ocean, staring down at the waves.

34 Cap: He sacrificed his freedom long ago so that Zenn La would be spared but it turned out it was a sacrifice in vain since the world had been ravaged again and again till meeting it's final doom.

35 Cap: He would never speak the words but he is almost glad that Zenn La is at final peace. But from time to time he enjoys being reminded of his homeworld and it's enchanting traquility.

Panel 3: Surfer flying through the Tibetan mountains.

36 Cap: There is another reason though.

Panel 4: Surfer walking through the snow.

37 Cap: Of all the worlds Surfer has tread upon...

Panel 5: A stone door hidden among the rocks is ajar.

38 Cap: ...Earth is one of the few that manage to surprise him.

Panel 6: Surfer with a look of curiousity on his face.

Page 10

Panel 1: The Shadows of two boys playing on the walls as Silver Surfer walks forward.

39 Mutt: You won't catch me Spider-man.

40 Eight: Oh yes I will Green Goblin.

Panel 2: A mutant boy who has 6 arms and 8 eyes hangs from the wall shooting webs out of his hands at his friend.

41 Eight: For good always triumphs over evil.

Panel 3: A boy with the features of a wolf is on the ground webbed up.

42 Mutt: Man, how come you always get to be Spider-man?

Panel 4: Eight jumps down to the ground near Mutt who is getting loose.

43 Eight: I'll give you eight guesses why.

44 Mutt: Who cares when your Spidey dialogue sucks.

Panel 5: Eight and Mutt face to face with Surfer in shadows behind them.

45 Eight: Does not.

46 Mutt: Does too. Spidey doesn't say corny stuff like that. That's more like...

Page 11

Panel 1: Mutt talking while Eight stares in awe behind him.

47 Eight:...the Silver Surfer???

48 Mutt: Yeah, somebody like...

Panel 2: Mutt and Eight staring up at the ledge above them staring at a glistening Silver Surfer.

49 Surfer: Hello young ones.

Page 12

Panel 1: Mutt is scared and Eight is excited.

50 Mutt: AHHHHHH

51 Eight: Relax Mutt, he's a good guy. I read all about him on the internt.

Panel 2: Eight turning to Silver Surfer

52 Eight: I read all about you on the internet.

Panel 3: Silver Surfer looking down at the two kids with a bit of a smile.

53 Surfer: I am glad you know I intend you know harm. It seems everyone on this planet normally assumes the worst when it comes to me.

Panel 4: Surfer walks down to the same ground level as the kid

54 Surfer: Though, I am somewhat curious how you two traversed the harsh weather conditions and mountains to get here.

Page 13

Panel 1: Looking down over Surfers shoulder we see Mutt and Eight.

55 Mutt: Well, if you haven't noticed, we're a little diffrent. We can take the cold and handle the mountains. We were playing outside and found this place.

56 Surfer: Are you mutants?

Panel 2: Looking at Surfer, Mutt, and Eight from the side.

57 Eight: No no no we're freaks.

58 Surfer: Freaks? I'm unfamiliar with the application of this term here on earth?

59 Eight: There was an accident in our hometown and we were some of the people changed by it. How did you find this place?

Panel 3: Surfer holding his arm out with his hands open palms facing up.

60 Surfer: My story is not that foreign from your own. There was a time I was trapped here on earth thanks to my former master Galactus. While exploring this world I stumbled upon the hidden ruins of these mountains. I return here from time to time to gather myself.

Panel 4: Looking over Mutt and Eight's shoulders to Surfer

61 Mutt You don't mind us being here do you?

Panel 5: Surfer looking down at the boys.

62 Surfer: No, I do not mind. I have no more claim to this place then you and I could use the company.

63 Mephisto: Really?

Page 14

Panel 1: See Mephisto posturing, from an upward angle, with his arms crossed from an upward angle.

64 Mephisto: How about the company of an old friend?

Page 15

Panel 1: Surfer with a look of intensity on his face while Mutt is pulling Eight away by his shirt.

65 Surfer: Children, you must leave now.

66 Eight: But we can help.

67 Surfer: No, you cannot, now hurry.

Panel 2: Mutt dragging Eight out of there with Surfer in the background heading towards Mephisto on his board.

68 Mutt: Stop being an asshole Eight and let's get out of here.

Panel 3: Surfer on going downward toward Mephisto

69 Surfer. DEMON

70 Surfer: I don't know why you've chosen to appear before me now but you will rue that decision.

Panel 4: Mephisto smurking.

71 Cap: One of the reason I take such intrest in the Surfer is I absolutely love how he reacts to me.

Panel 5 From behind Mephisto we see him looking up at Surfer soaring over head.

72 Cap Such unbridled hate from one so gentle. Knowing that the mere sight of me causes him such agita is almost vengeance enough. Almost.

73 Mephisto: Must you always act the fool with such hysterics? After all this time don't you know I only want to talk.

74 Surfer: Your words are more dangerous then the actions of most evil one.

Panel 5: The left side of Mephisto's face with Surfer hovering right above the ground.

75 Mephisto: True. But it is not the words alone.

Page 16

Panel 1: Mephisto with his hands in the air, as though he's casting a wicked spell, while Surfer looks on.

76 Mephisto: It's the guile behind them.

77 Mephisto: BEHOLD

78 Mephisto: A vision in my Stygian mists.

Panel 2: Outside in the Snow Mephisto's Souless Ones are grabbing the Eight and Mutt.

79 Mephisto: My newly resurrected Souless Ones have captured your young friends.

Panel 3: Surfer looking past the mist at Mephisto yelling at him.

80 Surfer: MEPHISTO.

81 Surfer: Hurt those children and I'll

81 Mephisto: Do not waste my time with with idle threats and I will not waste yours with mourning. They are merely to insure I have your attention.

Panel 3: Surfer slightly bowing his head submissively.

82 Surfer: What do you want Mephisto?

Panel: 4: Mephisto manifesting another image in his mist as Surfer watches.

83 Mephisto: For once, you and I want the same thing.

Page 17

Panel 1: Surfer and Mephisto looking into the mist to see an image of Morlun.

84 Surfer: Morlun!

85 Mephisto: I see you know of him? He has been givin the power to destroy you.

Panel 2: Surfer with his back to us and Mephisto facing us with both facing the other.

85 Surfer: Why are you telling me this?

86 Mephisto: Morlun is a small part of a much larger threat to Earth. One of my largest sources for souls to reap. It would hardly serve my best intrest for Earth to be destroyed.

86 Surfer: Deciever, I know there is far more to this then you present. What do you want in return for this information?

Panel 3 With a view from behind Surfers right side seeing Mephisto standing with his fist against his hips.

87 Mephisto: All I ask is that you stay here on earth until you are certain the threat has subsided. And perhaps there is more to this but...

Panel 4: Mephisto leaning into Surfers face with Surfer staring unflinchingly.

88 Mephisto: Are you really willing to take that chance.

Page 18

Panel 1: Outside the Souless ones release the children.

89 Mephisto: As a showing of good will I'll release your friends.

Panel 2: Mephisto vanishing.

90 Mephisto: I leave you with one promise Surfer, never has the earth needed you more.

Panel 3: Surfer with a pensive look.

Panel 4: Surfer flies outside while the children move away from the Souless ones.

91 Mutt: Let's get out of here.

Panel 5: Surfer comes to the childrens side to check on them.

92 Surfer: Are you okay?

93 Eight: Yeah.

Panel 6: Surfer with his arms around the boys as all three look to the souless ones.

94 Surfer: It will all be okay now.

Page 19

Panel 1: The Horned Souless one about to enter a portal while the other masked Souless one stares at Surfer.

95 Horned Souless one: Come brother. Mephisto beckons.

Panel 2: Close up of Masked Souless Ones face.

96 Masked Souless One: Be seeing you, Surfer.

Panel 3: Both Souless Ones disappear into the portal as Surfer and the boys watch on.

Panel 4: Eight looks up to Surfer.

97 Eight: What was that about?

98 Surfer: The continuation of a game between me and an old foe who seeks to torment me by keeping me here on Earth.

99 Cap: That's part of it, sure.

100 Surfer: But what he does not realize is that things are diffrent now.

Panel 5: Surfer transforms into a flesh and blood man.

101 Cap: Hmm, I didn't see that coming but I suppose it is not totally unexpected. Easily accomplished for the Surfer and his power cosmic. Intresting he hasn't done it earlier.

Page 20

Panel 1 Surfer in process of transforming back into his Silver form while kneeling in front of the children with his hands on their shoulders.

102 Surfer: Come, I will take you to your home.

103 Cap: I suppose it doesn't matter. I can take comfort in the knowledge I have that he doesn't.

Panel 2 Surfer flying away with the boys on his board.

104 Cap: For in these coming days the stars will need him more then ever and thanks to me he won't be there.

Page 21

Panel 1 The home world of the Grandmaster.

Panel 2 From behind the grandmaster we see the Elders of the Universe gathered.

105 Grandmaster: My fellow Elders. Thank you for attending this meeting. Each of us share a common bond of being the last of our respective races due to some cataclysm. Well I believe it is time for us to bring others into our fold which means...

Panel 3: Grandmaster leaning back with his fingertips touching with a cold stare.

106 Grandmaster: It is time for another cataclysm.

Panel 4: A battle being waged in the outer atmosphere of a planet.

Panel 5: Three sillouettes stand watching the battle outside on a screen.

107: Such destruction. It's tragic this had to happen.

108: Yes, tragic but necessary.

Page 22

Panel1: The three figures revealed as bald men all wearing Silver robes.

109: For all the Universe must know the way of Zenn-La.

The End.


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YES, my first fan. I'd be honored if you weren't such a redundant, unimaginative, and pathetic snob.

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 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

You're no fun.

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 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry (UNEDITED!!!)
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

You're no fun.


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry (UNEDITED!!!)
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

You're no fun.



Ha ha ha

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 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry (UNEDITED!!!)
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry

You're no fun.


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A suburban Denver campaign office of U.S. presidential candidate John McCain was evacuated on Thursday, and several people went to a hospital, after receiving an envelope containing a threatening letter and an unidentified white powder, a campaign spokesman said.

The letter arrived in the mail in the afternoon, and the campaign immediately notified local and federal law enforcement authorities, said Jeff Sadosky, a spokesman for the campaign in suburban Washington, D.C.

McCain, 71, a Republican senator from Arizona, was taking the day off from the campaign, spending the day at his home in Sedona, Arizona.

Sadosky added, "We are taking all necessary precautions," which he said included an evacuation of the office in Centennial, Colorado, outside Denver, where dozens of people work.

He said the composition of the powder found in the envelope was not immediately known, and that he did not know to whom the parcel was addressed.

Five to 10 people who were in the office went to a nearby hospital, where "they are currently being seen by health-care professionals," Sadosky said.

Five people died in 2001 after anthrax powder was mailed to U.S. congressional offices and media outlets in the weeks following the September 11 attacks.

A U.S. Secret Service spokesman, Malcolm Wiley, said the envelope sent to the McCain campaign office was opened by a campaign staffer there, and that an FBI hazardous materials team was dispatched to the scene, along with Secret Service personnel and local authorities.

A police spokeswoman in Denver said she had no immediate information about the incident.

The Democratic National Convention is due to open in Denver on Monday.

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I'd look at whatsername...grieving mom person that camped out at Bush's ranch...before I'd look at Obama...

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You mean the angry hippie chick thats using her sons death to further her own anti-american agenda? Her name is cindy sheenan.

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'd look at whatsername...grieving mom person that camped out at Bush's ranch...before I'd look at Obama...

She's running against the Dems, plus she doesn't have a closet Muslim background or association wit known terrorists like Obama. It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit....

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