Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
He should have put his ego aside and chose Hilary....they would have won easily.

No. She would have been the final nail in his coffin.

Outside of 'blue' states like NY and NJ a lot of (though, of course not all) people revile her. There are polls that say about 45% of the American people would not vote for her under any circumstance.

Furthermore, she ran such a negative campaign against Obama during the primary that all McCain would have had to do would be to run clips of her (and Bill) calling him inexperienced and whatnot.

You take Hillary out of her comfort zone (a liberal state and a soft media) and she starts to fall apart. That's why most Republicans were hoping she'd get the nomination and Rush Limbaugh was trying to throw rig the primary so she'd get the nomination.

I'm not saying Biden was a great choice either, but the idea that a lot of people have in the more urbanized and/or liberal areas of the country, that Hillary's some sort of uber-candidate, is simply not supported by the facts.