Digesting an Obama-Biden ticket:
  • It's hard for Obama supporters to play the age card any longer, as their potential veep is all of six years younger than McCain.

    The candidate of hope and change selected a running mate who was first elected to public office when Obama was 9 years old. He was elected to the Senate when Obama was 11. The bottom of the ticket running on change has been in Washington forever.

    He voted for the Iraq War — which Obama touted as the most important decision since the end of the Cold War. He supports deploying U.S. troops to Darfur in Sudan.

    Biden supports a ban on partial-birth abortion.

    His mouth will be an absolute time bomb. Will he refer to Delaware as a "slave state" again? Will he discuss who's behind the counter at 7-11s?

    I'm reminded of a Rudy Giuliani response when Biden took a shot at him — "Joe's a good guy, we all criticize each other during this time... But for Joe Biden to talk about qualifications — he's never run a city, he's never run a state, he's never run a business." That statement is true for both men on the Democratic ticket.

    Other than Biden's mouth, it's a relatively safe pick. But since he'll be spending just about every waking moment between now and Election Day in front of television cameras... look out.

    One last thought before bed: Imagine McCain picking Gov. Bobby Jindal. First line at the debate, "Senator, before we begin our debate, let me clarify for you that I don't work at a 7-11."