McCain also married well the 2nd time too. At some point they both did more than just marry well to get where they have.
Come on, there's a big difference.
Hillary is a smart person, don't get me wrong, but the only reason she got elected Senator in a state she didn't live in was because she married Bill.
Besides, not getting chosen is the best thing that could have happened to Hillary.
If Obama wins, she's still a powerful Senator and can negotiate a cabinet position or Supreme Court nomination.
If he loses she runs in 2012 she keeps fooling people into thinking it's because he didn't have her on the ticket and sets herself up to run against McCain in 2012.
G-man at this point I think you have to give her credit for more than just having the last name. There are plenty of people who have that & never got as far as she has. You can continue discounting those of us who are dissenchanted with Obama but it is a factor in play that the demacratic party may want to revisit if Obama loses in November.