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He's so pissed off that he did a reply ad claiming, basically, "it's not my fault, I was eight years old": - Barack Obama: I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.
ANNCR: With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the sixties, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?
McCain knows Obama denounced Ayers’ crimes, committed when Obama was just eight years old.
Let’s talk about standing up for America today.
John McCain wants to spend $10 Billion a month in Iraq, tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas, selling out American workers.
John McCain, just more of the same.
A McCain spokesman fired back: “The fact that Barack Obama chose to launch his political career at the home of an unrepentant terrorist raises more questions about his judgment than any ad ever could. And the fact that he’s launching his own convention by defending his long association with a man who says he didn’t bomb enough U.S. targets tells us more about Barack Obama than any of tonight’s speeches will.”  x2
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wow i guess it would be alright to be friends with Pol Pot since most of that happened when I was eight.
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wow i guess it would be alright to be friends with Pol Pot since most of that happened when I was eight. how many statues did pol pot blow up? this guy is not the mass murdering terrorist you make him out to be. He wasn't a rapist, I don't think anyone even died. And his actions weren't motivated by racism, greed, hatred. He was acting in response to what he saw as an unjust government. Obama was 8, had nothing to do with anything this guy did. And either way why shouldn't Obama be friends with him? Is he still setting bombs? Saying he wished he'd done more is a far cry from action. Have you ever said you wanted to punch someone? Should we arrest you for assault? It sounds like basically Obama is friends with a guy who holds some radical (by some people's standards)beliefs. You've never had a friend who felt something different than you, or felt a little harsher? Has Obama endorsed the actions, or is he just friends with the man? And George W. Bush has family who supported Hitler. He appointed people who worked with Saddam Hussein, and helped train bin Laden. They believed it was the right thing to do and that led to thousands of deaths, I don't think Ayers killed anyone. Where's the moral indignation over that? And where are the angry conservatives bitching about the statue Bush destroyed in Iraq?
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Bush had a statue destroyed in Iraq, and Ayers bombed the US Capitol. nice comparison, it's views like that that will win it for McCain.
the far left hasnt realized most of America is in the middle, we dont view blowing up statues in Washington and advocating the overthrow of our govt the same as going to war with a country that has vowed to destroy us.
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do you really think the average american believes it's the same thing?
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The far left will never accept that the rest of the country isn't as anti-American as they.
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You've never had a friend who felt something different than you, or felt a little harsher? Yeah, who among us hasn't been close friends and political associates with unrepentant terrorist bombers?
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i mean seriously does anyone actually believe it's the same thing to attack your own country? and does anyone think that if a guy did it when you were eight that it's okay to be buds with him now?
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Seriously, the far left in places like San Francisco think our country is, at best, no better than any other nation and, at worst, the greatest threat to the world there is.
As a result, those type of people really believe that attacking our own country is no worse than attacking a foreign dictator.
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Bush had a statue destroyed in Iraq, and Ayers bombed the US Capitol. nice comparison, it's views like that that will win it for McCain. you say he "bombed the capitol" like he planted a bomb at some famous site and caused untold deaths. I just rechecked his bio. He blew up a statue, twice. It caused property damage but killed NO ONE. He went underground before any charges were filed, charges were filed and then dropped and he came out of hiding and lived a respectable life. Last time I checked in America we had this thing called "innocent until proven guilty." We also have free speech, free association, and generally people should be allowed to change and evolve over the course of their lives. Ayers was 25 when he blew up the statue, that was 40 years ago and 30something years before he met and befriended Obama. the far left hasnt realized most of America is in the middle, we dont view blowing up statues in Washington and advocating the overthrow of our govt the same as going to war with a country that has vowed to destroy us. Iraq was no threat to us, they didn't attack us. I think most people would actually be way more offended by a current war that is costing thousands of American lives, a war started on lies, a war started by people who helped the enemy establish themselves, than they would about a statue being blown up 40 years ago. Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far."
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yeah i guess we can tell all that to the dead policemen's wives.
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"Kill all the rich people. ... Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents."
-Bill Ayers
tell me that isnt just a little harsher than what you believe ray.
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Bush had a statue destroyed in Iraq, and Ayers bombed the US Capitol. nice comparison, it's views like that that will win it for McCain. you say he "bombed the capitol" like he planted a bomb at some famous site and caused untold deaths. I just rechecked his bio. He blew up a statue, twice. It caused property damage but killed NO ONE. He went underground before any charges were filed, charges were filed and then dropped and he came out of hiding and lived a respectable life. Last time I checked in America we had this thing called "innocent until proven guilty." We also have free speech, free association, and generally people should be allowed to change and evolve over the course of their lives. Ayers was 25 when he blew up the statue, that was 40 years ago and 30something years before he met and befriended Obama. the far left hasnt realized most of America is in the middle, we dont view blowing up statues in Washington and advocating the overthrow of our govt the same as going to war with a country that has vowed to destroy us. Iraq was no threat to us, they didn't attack us. I think most people would actually be way more offended by a current war that is costing thousands of American lives, a war started on lies, a war started by people who helped the enemy establish themselves, than they would about a statue being blown up 40 years ago. Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far." but not far enough according to Obama's future secretary of war.
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Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far."
Ray, did you read the information about Ayers? According to the New York Times: - He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972.
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Seriously, the far left in places like San Francisco think our country is, at best, no better than any other nation and, at worst, the greatest threat to the world there is. I think the far left see this country as heavily flawed and believe it can be better. I think the far left wonder why so much is spent on wars that make the warmakers richer while our schools go to shit. I think the far left is annoyed that people care more about iphones and their comfort than about the environment and the air we all breathe. i think the far right believes that everything is perfect as long as they get what they want. as long as you have your creature comforts and don't have to pay too much for them then you're happy. fuck the rest of the world. I would rather America actually was number 1, instead of just saying we are. I would rather America have the best in healthcare, education, quality of life, and was seen the world over as a beacon of honesty and integrity. But you're fine with being hated globally as long as you feel like you're top dog. As a result, those type of people really believe that attacking our own country is no worse than attacking a foreign dictator. "attacking our own country?" He blew up a statue. He did not attack anyone or kill anyone. He made a statement. Was it wrong? It was vandalism and probably cost a bit to repair the damage. But it's a far cry from illegally invading another country and killing hundreds of thousands because someone in totally different country killed some Americans. Technically millions of people set off bombs in the name of "freedom" on July 4th. Only on July 4th has a higher mortality rate than Ayers.
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Did you even read the information about this guy? It's kind of funny. He blew up a statue, they rebuilt it, and then he blew it up again. He didn't blow up a police station, he blew up a statue. It's less terrorism than it is "college prank gone too far."
Ray, did you read the information about Ayers? According to the New York Times: - He writes that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, the Pentagon in 1972.
I don't read links that you post. I googled him and I'm not seeing anything credible about that aside from fox news mentions. But again, did anyone die? And does participation mean he helped make the bombs, planted the bombs, or said "yeah that would be neat" when the idea was brought up. The point really isn't about myers at all. It's about Obama. You want to attack him for the actions his friends took when he was a kid. But I'm mentioning Bush's friends and the bad things they've done. If you attack Obama for who he is friends with, then you have to also condemn Bush for who his friends are. And actually I'm taking it a step farther by pointing out that these people with bad deeds were given power and positions by Bush. If Obama appoints Ayers to some powerful post, then I'll be angry.
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I googled him and I'm not seeing anything credible about that aside from fox news mentions.
I posted a link to the New York Times, not Fox. But again, did anyone die? The latest "Rayfact": attempted murder is now legal.
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i forget that ray is opposed to representative government, ray id our elevted government officials decide to train Obama to fight a Russian invasion and years later he uses that training against us it isnt training a terrorist to fight the US. if our elected government decides it is wise to supply arms and money to Saddam to fight a terrorist nation and he later ivades an ally of ours it is not a terrorist act.
if you blow up a bomb in the capitol building, and you blow up a polic station, and you preach to kids to kill their rich parents, that is terrorism. how do you perceive these as the same? im beggining to think you are one of those people that believe Obama is the messiah.
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...government officials decide to train Obama to fight a Russian invasion.... If only Obama WOULD be willing to fight a Russian invasion.
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S'alright. Ted Kennedy once did the same thing.
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Will Barack Obama's first act as President be to declare martial law and throw out the first amendment? Obama seeks to silence critics Barack Obama is striking back fiercely and swiftly to stamp out an ad that links him to a 1960s radical, eager to demonstrate a far more aggressive response to attacks than John Kerry did when faced with the 2004 "Swift Boat" campaign. Obama not only aired a response ad to the spot linking him to William Ayers, but he sought to block stations the commercial by warning station managers and asking the Justice Department to intervene. The campaign also planned to compel advertisers to pressure stations that continue to air the anti-Obama commercial. It's the type of going-for-the-jugular approach to politics many Democrats complain that Kerry lacked and that Republicans exploit. Obama's target is an ad by the conservative American Issues Project, a nonprofit group that questions Obama's ties to Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground organization that took credit for a series of bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol four decades ago. The lone financier of the anti-Obama ad, Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, was also one of the main funders of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who targeted Kerry. Simmons, a McCain fundraiser, contributed nearly $2.9 million to the American Issues Project, according to documents filed by the group with the Federal Election Commission. Fox News and CNN have declined to air the anti-Obama ad. But by Monday afternoon, the ad had run about 150 times in local markets in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and Michigan, according to Evan Tracey, head of TNS Media Intelligence/Campaign Media Analysis Group, an ad tracking firm. Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said Obama supporters have inundated stations that are airing the ad, many of them owned by Sinclair Communications, with 93,000 e-mails. He called the ad false, despicable and outrageous. "Other stations that follow Sinclair's lead should expect a similar response from people who don't want the political discourse cheapened with these false, negative attacks," Vietor said. Sinclair offices were closed late Monday and officials there could not be immediately contacted. "It seems they protest a bit too much," American Issues Project spokesman Christian Pinkston said. "They're going all of these routes — through threats, intimation — to try to thwart the First Amendment here because they don't have an argument on merit." Ayers is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He and Obama live in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood and served together on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based charity that develops community groups to help the poor. Obama left the board in December 2002. Obama also was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform group of which Ayers was a founder. Ayers also held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s. Obama has denounced Ayers' past activities. "Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, 'Respectable' and 'Mainstream,'" the group's ad states. "Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' home. And the two served together on a left-wing board. Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?" In a letter to station managers, Obama campaign lawyer Robert Bauer wrote: "Your station is committed to operating in the public interest, an objective that cannot be satisfied by accepting for compensation material of such malicious falsity." Bauer also wrote to Deputy Assistant Attorney General John C. Keeney, noting that the ad is a "knowing and willful attempt to evade the strictures of federal election law." The campaign's aggressive tactics could draw more attention to a subject the campaign wants to go away. On Tuesday, the University of Illinois at Chicago will make available records of Obama's service on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The group was set up to improve the city's schools. The documents could shed further light on whether Obama and Ayers had a relationship. The American Issues Project is a 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation. It is permitted by law to air a political ad provided that the majority of its spending is nonpolitical. It cannot accept money from corporations and it must identify the donors that finance its ads in reports to the Federal Election Commission. Pinkston said the group has set aside money to carry out non-election related work to meet the legal requirements. It filed a report identifying Simmons as its sole donor for the ad last week. In the Obama campaign's own response ad, an announcer states: "With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the 60s, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers. McCain knows Obama denounced Ayers' crimes, committed when Obama was just 8 years old." The McCain campaign cannot coordinate efforts with outside groups. But the campaign took advantage of being the target of the response ad. "The fact that Barack Obama chose to launch his political career at the home of an unrepentant terrorist raises more questions about Senator Obama's judgment than any TV ad ever could," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.
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I googled him and I'm not seeing anything credible about that aside from fox news mentions.
I posted a link to the New York Times, not Fox. As I said in the part you cut out, I don't trust anything you link. Maybe if you didn't post blogs as facts so often. But again, did anyone die? The latest "Rayfact": attempted murder is now legal. I asked if anyone died. Attempted murder means no one did. Take your pills, grandpa. I never said what he did was legal, just that he didn't kill anyone. And the charges were dropped, so he was never convicted. Again, what does this have to do with Obama? He was friends with the guy 30 years after the fact, by that time this guy was just some married proffessor who's politics were all theories and lectures, not actions. Obama can be friends with the man and still disagree with some of his views and the actions he took as a youth. Unlike Bush-who is the current president and therefore relevant to a conversation about candidates-Obama has not appointed a man with questionable past actions to any position of power.
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I posted a link to the New York Times, not Fox.
...I don't trust anything you link. Maybe if you didn't post blogs as facts so often. I very rarely post from blogs and, when I do, I typically point that out. In either event, I noted in the body of my post (in boldface, even) that it was an article from the NY Times. You then wrote that the only source you could find was Fox. My point stands. Got anything better than an inaccurate attack on my source? I never said what he did was legal, just that he didn't kill anyone. You tried to excuse his actions, which were clearly dangerous to others, by saying that no one died. By your own logic, then, attempted murder is excusable because no one actually dies. And the charges were dropped, so he was never convicted.
According to the Chicaco Sun-Times the charges were dropped because of legal technicality, after Ayers spent years as a fugitive, not because he didn't commit the crimes.
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CBS TV: - at least four people are under arrest in connection with a possible plot to kill Barack Obama at his Thursday night acceptance speech in Denver. All are being held on either drug or weapons charges.
CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass reported one of the suspects told authorities they were "going to shoot Obama from a high vantage point using a ... rifle … sighted at 750 yards."
Law enforcement sources tell Maass that one of the suspects "was directly asked if they had come to Denver to kill Obama. He responded in the affirmative."
The story began emerging Sunday morning when Aurora police arrested 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell. He was driving a rented pickup truck in an erratic manner according to sources.
Sources told CBS4 police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.
Subsequently authorities went to the Cherry Creek Hotel to contact an associate of Gartrell's. But that man, who was wanted on numerous warrants, jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window. Law enforcement sources say the man broke an ankle in the fall and was captured moments later. Sources say he was wearing a ring with a swastika, and is thought to have ties to white supremacist organizations.
A third man -- an associate of Gartrell and the hotel jumper was also arrested. He told authorities that the two men "planned to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech."
That man, along with a woman, are also under arrest.
The Secret Service, FBI, ATF and the joint terrorism task force are all investigating the alleged plot.
The U.S. Attorney in Denver has scheduled a news conference for Tuesday afternoon.
Good work by law enforcement in stopping these punks. I hope they get the book thrown at them. However, I would note that-under Ray's "William Ayers" standard, since they didn't actually succeed in killing anybody, it's basically a "college prank."
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Ray, seriously, I think you should befriend these people. Sure, they are evil domestic terrorists. However, as you have pointed out, that doesn't mean you can't be friends with them.
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in 30 years if I happen to meet these people and they seem like people who are interesting and have changed from the way they are now, then I would befriend them.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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in 30 years if I happen to meet these people and they seem like people who are interesting and have changed from the way they are now, then I would befriend them. Just like Jesus would.
Fair play!
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Jesus was a dirty hippie. And he was fictional.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 5000+ posts Mon Aug 25 2008 10:57 PM Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Barack Hussein Obama in '08?
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Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 5000+ posts Mon Aug 25 2008 10:59 PM Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Plot to Kill Obama?
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If ties to terrorism are a problem, then why aren't you schmucks agitating for mass impeachment of everyone in the Bush administration?
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nice point, virtual moonbat.
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The Racism Excuse: Liberals blame Americans for Obama's fall in the polls.
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I, for one, blame the Germans.
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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I, for one, blame the Republican party of circa 1865-1876 (aka The Great great grandfathers of the liberal/progressive movement).
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http://www.ryangarns.com/archives/article_072708.php By Barack Obama
My fellow Earthlings, I speak to you today not as a presidential candidate, but as a citizen of the world who also happens to be running for President.
I know I don't look like other Americans who have run for President. Although I do have Lyndon Johnson's ears. And John F. Kennedy's teeth. Some say I have William Taft's nose. I'm black, that's the point I'm making.
My mother was born in war-torn Wichita, Kansas where she was forced into a life of bitterness because of her personality. My father, a Kenyan, was born with a wooden leg. To earn his keep, he herded diabetic goats in six feet of snow with nothing but a pair of salad spoons. I, myself, was born in a manger with bad plumbing during the tumultuous Philadelphia Phillies losing streak of 1961. So, you see, I know all too well about hardship.
I know all too well that making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. I know all too well that taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. And I know all too well that sometimes, yes, sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. But when I look across the landscape of America, provided I can find a good view, I can see fresh hope of a better future. A future without anger or resentment or disagreement or individualism.
I know my country has not perfected itself. We have yet to find a cure for sadness. Our citizens are forced to spend their hard earned money on things like food and clothing. Men still find it hard to say those three little words. And despite access to hundreds of channels, there's still nothing good on TV.
But I also know that when the world stands together as one, no one can oppose us. By definition, no one will be left. Should someone choose not to stand together with us, we must stand firm and say, "No, that won't work. May we stand with you instead?" After we stand with them, we shall say, "Ha! Fooled you! You're really standing with us again." That's the kind of nuanced, geopolitical thinking the Free World needs to adopt to meet the challenges of the future.
I truly believe we can overcome our hardships. We have seen it time and again in a series of random historical events I shall now rattle off for cheap applause. We have seen it in South Africa where people defeated apartheid. We have seen it at Valley Forge where Washington led his troops and defeated the British. We have seen it in the frozen tundra where Green Bay defeated Dallas with 13 seconds remaining in regulation. Yes, humanity can overcome if we stand as one.
From Kiev to Cape Town, from Jerusalem to Sheboygan, from Michigan to Nevada with a stopover in Denver, From Russia with Love, From Here To Eternity, we shall stand as one.
We shall come together as young and old, whites and blacks, Christians and Muslims, Yankees and Red Sox, Microsoft and Apple, Proctor and Gamble, Tango and Cash -- we shall stand as one!
Thank you, Iran. You've been wonderful.
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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