Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Question for Tommy and Sikkbones:

Why do you two insist on acting out your relationship issues here? Can't you confine them to your own boards? Maybe move in together and deal with them in real life? Sheesh...

jealous Joe?
sorry that i don't involve your marshmellow shaped ass in our sexual orgys?

Why are you talking about my arse? Don't you see that this is the major reason for Tommy's rage? Just accept him! Love him the way he wants you to! Stop making him jealous with your useless passes at me! Cripes, man, he's a human being...stop treating him and his love like objects to be toyed with!

that sounded 700% more emo than wanky has ever been... crying in your tissues there joe?

He just hates to see two people so in love with each other try and deny their feelings for one another.