Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Ray
"traitor" is a specific term with a specific meaning. did Ayers work with a foreign agent or power? did he compromise classified intelligence or sell secrets? was his aim to overthrow the government in the name of some outside force taking over? that is what a traitor does.

My point was not that Ayers was legally a traitor, only that my comments towards him are the closest I've come to calling anyone related to Obama a traitor, contrary to your claim.

To clarify: Barack Hussein Obama's friend William Ayers is a former domestic terrorist, not a traitor.

so he's friends with the guy who did something 40 years ago. i've never seen obama support those actions or agree with them. for all you know they talk about movies and that's the basis of their friendship. haven't you ever had a liberal friend who you avoided certain issues when you talked? i had a hardcore catholic conservative friend. we got along great except we avoided politics and religion because we knew it'd be an argument. the few times we did get into it he expressed that he felt i was immoral for being pro-choice. but he was my friend because in all other issues in life we were friends.
I can show you a picture of Mccain hugging a man who lied to the American people and started a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of lives, thousands of which were his own troops.
I can give you quotes of Mccain calling a man who outed a covert CIA agent, an act which the man's own father said years earlier was treason and warranted execution.

This is the Mccain thread, why aren't we talking about Mccain? Why can you post at length about Obama's friendships with people but then cry foul when I mention Mccain's friendships?
This is the Mccain thread. Please don't turn it into a cheap sequel to the Obama thread. All that says is that Mccain is nothing but the guy running against Obama with an R next to his name. You make arguments for why Obama is bad, but you don't say why Mccain is good.

Bow ties are coool.