Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

She also successfully took on the oil industry, leading to a tax increase on oil company profits that now has the state's treasury swelling.

what will the liberal spin be, she is a confused pawn of big oil?

I haven't been to CNN or any other liberally-biased news source, yet. Seems every article online is written by a conservative.

As an Obama fan, though, I have to say I think the reactions I've seen have been pretty funny. The same people who have said over and over again that Obama is too inexperienced are out there saying that Palin is a great pick, because she's a new, fresh face. Her "lack of experience" isn't a problem, even though she has served zero time in national government and has spent much less time in leadership. She has no experience overseas.

Honestly, having read up on her recently (because I had no idea who she was before this) Palin seems like a good person and perhaps even a good candidate, but the GOP has lost all the hits it can make against Obama (the ones based on reality and non-self serving issues anyway). And the only thing supporters have been able to say good about her is that she's young, very different from what we're used to, and hot.

The RNC will be very interesting.

all i can say is this must be a good pick to get you wetting your pants like this.