Originally Posted By: allan1
Funny thing is how some reactions so far to Palin,complain about the lack of experience she has and is only a heartbeat away from being the president.Amusing because how is that any worse than a person running for the presidency with lack of experience?

What goes around comes around, I suppose. Same thing goes with any Republican who bashed Obama's experience, but supports this pick.

All of you.

With their VP picks, both candidates have nullified a lot of the strikes their bases have put out against the other candidate.

Just today I got an email from a Republican friend comparing the two candidates. It was, of course, another heavily biased email stating abstract notions as fact. No "Obama's a Muslim tripe" (only the ridiculously uninformed still believe that), but a lot of Fox News-type stuff.

Thing is, this pick completely sideblinds his email. Re-reading it, almost all of the strikes against Obama are strikes against Palin, and those that don't count against her are only going to pull in people who already lean right in their beliefs.

Don't get me wrong, though. Despite what I said here and above, I think this was a great choice, but only because she's a woman and her freshness can be used to excite people in the same way Obama's did initially.

Interesting indeed.