hi, i'm in this forum.

i think palin is a great choice for all of the superficial reasons of, i believe ray said, filling all the criteria that mccain didn't. female, younger, fresher, etc.

arnold woulda been cool. i was actually thinking colin powell would have been the choice, and a good one (he speaks so well!). rudy was my original hope a few years back, but holy lord did he tank himself in the past two years.

but palin seems to be a perfect fit for everything mccain is lacking, as well as taking advantage of the missing female / hillary vote, and the "now we're new, too" appeal obama has been able to carry. also, she really is kinda hot.

the thought of obama as president doesn't scare me at all. in fact, i think many times i've often wished that there was an un-president in power, to remove all of the political quagmires and bureaucracy. y'know, like that movie "dave". and, really, obama is as good a choice as any, with his VP pick giving the pair a bit more of the credability he's lacking (perception or otherwise). the campaign run on "change" has gotten a little stale to me, and i think the fact that they've all had to run for this face for like 12 years has taken some of the power out of "change."

mccain and palin, however, just seem like a significantly better pick, to me. i even think, as dave said, they're a great selection for most democrats, even if its more of the "i can live with that" angle. mccain is a standup guy who has routinely criticized his own party, notably dubya, so at least you know it wont just be "towing the line" type mentality. he does what he says and says what he does and has a track record to show it.

hell, i even like how he's run the campaign, not wanting to pick fights or attack, defending barack during the reverend troubles, even running a "hey, nice!" commercial during obama's show this week.

sure, im not expecting perfection, and i know there are hundreds of links deep into democratically-themed websites about how he's eaten babies and poo'd on grammas or whatever. still, on paper, and with the details i've read and heard thus far, this seems like a really good ticket.

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