Palin is very nice looking. Combine that with the fact that I find Cindy McCain to be pretty cute for an old broad, the McCain Admin would have the best looking women on the ticket JFK...Jackie was bangin' enough to totally make up for Lady Bird. Since we're on the subject, I've always found Laura Bush to be highly fuckable...


I see the pick for its strategic value...reinforcing McCain's street cred with the base since Palin is to the right of him on most issues, energizing some moderates by choosing a woman, effectively devaluing Biden's worth by ensuring that he'll have to be muzzled during the VP debate, pushing the "drill now, drill here" agenda even further since she's for drilling in ANWR even though he isn't...

Her inexperience is a valid arguement but it's not one that the Obama camp really wants to get into lest his own come back to the forfront.

Here's the one issue where I think, ultimately, McCain's tapping of Palin will ensure Obama's victory:


McCain has made it fairly clear during the last few years that he's against a woman's right to choose but, my understanding is that part of the Right's reluctance to get on board with him is due to his earlier ambiguity on whether or not he supports repealing Roe V. Wade.

This link gives an idea of how he has see-sawed on the issue in the past.

With Palin on the a woman who has 5 children including a newborn with Down's Syndrome, as a woman that is staunch in her support of the pro-life arguement...McCain is sending a message to that faction on the GOP that still may not have trusted him on the issue that his administration will definitely pursue the agenda of overturning Roe...whether he is able to complete his term or not.

I think many of the women Hillary supporters he's going after will see the Palin choice as pandering and ultimately become single issue voters. Perhaps the only issue that Obama completely beats (or loses to, depending on your beliefs) McCain on is the issue of choice. The women for Hillary can't even afford to sit it out for the fear that McCain will squeak out a win and the Supreme Court could become overwhelmingly right-justified for the next generation.

By choosing a woman that is, in the eyes of many on the left, an arch-conservative, McCain has ensured that choice will become the battleground issue of this election. And that will make women come out in droves to support choice.

Barring the assasination of Obama, an all out attack on Isreal, another terrorist attack on US soil or gas prices falling to less than $1.50...Sarah Palain as veep just handed Obama the White House.

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love