Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

I don't think that abortion is going to be that big of a factor. I think she'll appeal more to the working class mothers on a personal level with her story than they'll be put off by her pro-life stance. It's one of those things that's not as big an issue as special interest groups and the media tend to make it out to be. Yes, the baseline of each party will vote based on those things; but I think the independent and moderate voters are more concerned with broader issues that affect them on a daily basis like the economy.

Fair point. But, given the emotional resonance of the issue and the zealotry by small groups on both sides, I think it will be enough.

Again, the vast majority of voters aren't going to vote based on a "small" issue like choice but, for some, it will be the ONLY issue that matters.

but the point your missing if is the only issue that matters youll vote Dem if your for baby killing, and GOP if you not for it, so her being for life will not lose McCain voters but likely gain undecided evangelicals, and undecided women. Roe v Wade being settled law makes baby killing supporters less scared of abortion law being legislated, and the assumption is there by many it wont ever be overturned.