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Threads Created By Ultimate Jaburg53
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2024-08-20 11:33 PM
Merry Christmas,
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2023-12-26 3:01 AM
I'm Balls deep into another Ultimate Day!
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2022-01-11 3:10 AM
What happened to the Cornballer?
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2021-08-24 1:45 AM
Happy Ultimate Day you fucks.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2021-01-10 9:50 PM
Hup, Shoot em up. Hup, ride.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2020-08-18 10:22 PM
43rd Annual Ultimate Day!
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2020-01-10 11:37 PM
So, what's in the news?
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2020-01-05 3:25 AM
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2018-03-20 9:51 PM
Big Hairy Smelly Cunt
Politics and Current Events
2017-10-18 6:05 AM
Does anyone remember laughter?
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2017-08-31 3:44 AM
Merry Christmas, and shalom.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2016-12-25 7:19 AM
Now Alan Rickman is dead
2016-01-14 4:50 PM
Islamic Terror in Paris.
Politics and Current Events
2015-01-07 6:06 PM
Girls have stopped wearing pants.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2014-12-25 7:05 PM
Who's using comic apps?
Comic Books
2014-12-20 9:36 AM
Son Of Batman
2014-04-16 9:32 PM
Would I lie to you?
2013-06-15 10:39 PM
What I have been doing....
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2013-05-24 2:15 AM
Stupid, but mildly entertaing.
2013-02-12 8:06 PM
Conrad Bane dead at 89
2013-01-17 1:14 AM
Things about to get a little rougher on NY single mothers
Politics and Current Events
2012-10-23 6:48 PM
Plague causes Honey Boo Boo to endorse obama 100 times a day.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-10-22 2:48 AM
Hitler vs Jesus
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-10-19 7:41 AM
Bad news for Buddy
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-10-15 6:25 PM
Horshack's dead.
2012-08-14 9:01 PM
Just Married
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-07-22 5:30 AM
Hey, this news station is a phoney! A big fat phoney!
Politics and Current Events
2012-06-19 10:08 PM
Excuse my shitty photoshop skills and enjoy UJ53's GI Joe dio-comic
Comic Books
2012-05-19 12:06 AM
God takes ball, goes home.
Politics and Current Events
2012-05-11 12:29 AM
Beware my awesome telekinteic powers!
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-05-06 12:03 AM
Things I wonder about OWS.
Politics and Current Events
2012-05-02 6:00 AM
2012-04-27 1:26 AM
The Langoliers
2012-04-24 11:35 AM
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 6:05 AM
It's a better offer than poor Billy got.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 6:04 AM
Just never troll again Pro, I'll stop bothering you until you flip out next.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 6:04 AM
A google image seach for Devin, 1/3 at least are women. Jakes are all testosterone.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 6:01 AM
I guess you think using my real name would irritate me, but I have a manly cowboy name.
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 5:58 AM
This could go away quickly, Devon. (it was you who pust us on a real name basis)
Fortress of Awesome Chat
2012-04-22 5:56 AM