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Re: CAVEWOMAN by Bud Root Wonder Boy 2025-01-27 6:57 PM

The Art of Frank Cho - 20 Year Retrospective book

It was interesting to look through this book on Frank Cho, and how similar Cho's work is to Budd Root's art, a lot of shared spirit.
I've seen Budd Root over the years do collaborative pages with Frank Cho, and Cho has also done several variant covers for CAVEWOMAN issues.

Budd Root has also often mentioned Cho in editorial text pages in his books, they're friends and often cross paths at comics conventions in cities nationwide.
They have a lot of crossover in their playful good girl art, as well as favoring dinosaurs and monsters in their stories and pin-up pages. LIBERTY MEADOWS has some obvious shared themes and content to Budd Root's CAVEWOMAN titles and covers.

I guess you could describe them and several other comics artists such as Adam Hughes, Arthur Adams, and the late Dave Stevens, as representing something of a "school" or a sub-genre of comics illustration. But Frank Cho is, I think, for whatever reason, more prominent and mainstream than Budd Root, though I see them as equally talented.
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Re: Pre-Code comics stories Wonder Boy 2025-01-27 4:51 PM

A persuasive video about the merits of a comic series published in 1957-1959 in Argentina.
A a science-ficion alien invasion series that drew the attention and backlash from the authoritarian Argentinian government in power at that time.

The comic that cost this writer his life - ETERNAUT and FRONTERA, by Oesterheld

The narrator makes comparison of these series to high-concept work by Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman, which would make me seek it out if it were in print and easy to access.

I hope someone in editorial at Dark Horse or IDW sees this video, and pushes to get the rights for a new printing of this series in the U.S.
I'd love to see it happen.
Fantagraphic seems to already be aware of it, and already published Oesterheld's other goundbreaking series, MORT CINDER, and CHE.
Having published the others, maybe Fantagraphics already has plans to release the other out-of-print works listed.

Another example of worthy comics work from probably the least known era of comics, that deserves to be seen by a modern audience, either in a new reprint series in comics, or as a nice collected hardcover, and/or made accessible in scans online.
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Re: John Byrne: The good years, the bad years, and what the heck went wrong? Wonder Boy 2025-01-27 3:50 PM

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Re: Pro and Grimm's Island of misfit comic images Wonder Boy 2025-01-27 6:30 AM
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
A playful late 1960's old-DC-style "BRAVE & THE BOOBS" cover with an adult twist, from Budd Root of CAVEWOMAN fame:

Updated, with a working link.

And a few more tribute pages, of Batwoman...

[Linked Image from]

...and ...
"BRAVE AND THE BOLD presens Batwoman"

And a "WORLD'S FINEST" parody, with Supergirl and Batgirl.
But really, both girls drawn are basically Cavewoman in a super-costume.

[Linked Image from]

And this nice tribute to [iThe Wizard of Oz[/i]...

[Linked Image from]
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Re: Q: If Rob were a Ninja Turtle, which one would he be? MisterJLA 2025-01-27 1:33 AM
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Re: DC to adopt Rob Kamphausen MisterJLA 2025-01-27 1:29 AM
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Re: If Rob was a Rob, how many Robs could Rob Rob? MisterJLA 2025-01-27 12:09 AM
Kentucky- where the women are women, and the sheep get nervous.
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Re: Imploding MAGA World turns to Civil War Fantasies Wonder Boy 2025-01-26 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You continue to illustrate my point WB. Btw I’ve seen you dismiss and attack life long republicans elected officials and conservative judges because they don’t bend the knee to Trump. I’ve seen you attack law enforcement for publicly talking about the injuries they received on Jan 6. You have no principle other than whatever serves Trump. You’re not fooling anyone about wanting justice. The next 2 years will be rough for this country but I see America begin correcting course in the midterms.

As for Dershowiz and Turley, I haven’t really heard much from Alan after the Epstein stuff and his whole affair with signing onto some really bad legal argument and then trying to argue he shouldn’t be held accountable.
Turley frames his writing that I’ve seen in such a way it’s pretty obvious that he isn’t a democrat. He’s sort of like a mob boss lawyer. He makes the best legal defense he can for his guy and or avoids commenting to much that will displease his maga audience like yourself.

I reject your argument that I "dismiss and attack lifelong Republicans / elected officials /judges" just because they "don't bend the knee to Trump."
I've been CRYSTAL clear in my posts why based on THE FACTS I condemned their actions (Mike Pence, John Roberts, Mich McConnell, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Susan Collins, and low-level self-promoters in Trump's first term who used betraying Trump to get high-paying posittions on shows like The View) . I condemned them because the law was on Trump's side, and it was their legal duty to stand by Trump because he was right, not because I just inconsistently bashed them for just not blindly supporting Trump. (I would cite more specific examples, but you just made a sweeping statement without ANY examples, so unless you can first cite factual examples, I won't bother responding with more examples. And really, I'm just speculaing who you might mean, because you gave absolutely no cited examples or facts to back your allegaions.)

As for my "attack law enforcement for publicly talking about the injuries they received on Jan 6", (again, no cited examples by you), I NEVER did that.

I specifically excoriated 4 officers who testified before the January 6th committee for acting as Democrat agents, and not aas detached witness cops. In Jan 6th hearings, they continuously made incendiary partisan remarks and read from script CLEARLY WRIEN FOR THEM BY SOMEONE ELSE, that was CLEARLY not in their own words, and was laughably in partisan words that THEY COULD NO EVEN PRONOUNCE READING THE SCRIPT.

They were NOT officers testifying in their own words what they observed on January 6th, they were behaving as props for the Democrat party's false narrative.
In the months BEFORE their testimony, and in their testimony that they clumsily and inarticulately read from someone else's script THAT DAY in the Jan 6h hearings, they were acting as Democrat party agents, NOT as police officers.

And several articles busted them on their lefist/woke attacks BEFORE January 6th on social media, and in media interviews during and after, before the Jan 6th committee hearing.
Harry Dunn repeatedly posted online comments about hating Trump, Trump is a racist, etc., etc. making pro Black Lives Matter comments online, posting photos of himself in a Black Lives Matter t-shirt, and attending BLM rallies.

Michaal Fanone called the Republican paarty (not just Trump) "a cancer that need to be carved out".
And THEN he quit his job as a DC Metro officer and became a paid venomous consultant for CNN.

You have no principle other than whatever serves Trump. You’re not fooling anyone about wanting justice. The next 2 years will be rough for this country but I see America begin correcting course in the midterms.

Total BS on your part.
I've citied the legal arguments of Dershowitz and Turley and Gregg Jarrett, of Matt Taibbi, and many other highly respected legal opinions and journalists.

The lack of principle is on YOUR side, a Democrat-Bolshevik party that puts innocent men and women in jail. That goes AFTER LAWYERS (the 65 project) to bankrupt and disbar lawyers, to intimidate them,
That if lawyers represent Trump or Guiliani, if they contest a blatantly unfair Nov 2020 election, JUST LEGALLY CHALLENGE IT IN COURT TO CONFIRM OR DISPROVE THE FACTS, theywill be intimidated and punished, will be fired from their job, they will be pursued with lawfare, lose their law license, lose their years-held Harvard teaching position (i.e., Rep. Elise Stefanik) and be bankrupted.
The Democra-Bolshevikss mke it so anyone they don't like, such as Trump or Giuliani or anyone indicted wih them, MANY lawyers won't take heir cases, because hey are afraid o, afraaid of being disbarred snd bankrupted by malicious Democrat lawsuits. For fear, they jus won't take the case !
And that's not right. As Dershowitz has said, as a TRUE liberal, is that even a guilty defendant is entitled to defense, the best challenge and cross examination of the evidence, and the best and fairest sentence a lawyer can negotiate for a defendant. And if lawyers are afraid to even represent Trump or Giuliani out of fear of being maliciously bankrupted or disbarred out of pue intimidation, how can Trump, Guiliani, or any defendant, even get a fair trial ?

The Bolshevik way : terror, intimidaion, violence, the abuse of state power as a weapon.
That is not just an insult, M E M, your party LITERALLY embraces all these Democrat-Bolshevik tactics, and then you somehow flip it around and act like it's your Republican opposittion (or dissentting Democrats, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, Alan Dershowitz, Jonathan Truley, Lara Logan, Brandon Straka, Andy Ngo and other current or former Democrats who have walked away from your party in disgust because of your party's overtly Marxist Bolshevik tacics.

As I've cited repeatedly, the Cintons, the Obamas and many leftists who work under them , OPENLY WORSHIP the Bolsheviks, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Casro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves and successor Meduro, Saul Alinsky. And OPENLY endorse and emulate their lawless Marxist political tactics.

I've cited the videotaped and written quotes of them repeatedly.over multiple topics, for YEARS here.
It is YOUR SIDE that has no ethics and will use any vicious tactics to win. It is Trump who has withstood a test of Kafka-esque lawfare, arrests, and prosecutions before unfair prosecutors, judges and juries.
It is Trump and those around him who have endured slander, lawfare and imprisonment for make-believe crimes (Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Trump himself, etc) .
And when that lawfare and imprisonment failed to intimidate enough to stop Trump, elements in the deep state FBI and Secret Service have AT LEAST TWICE allowed (if no orchestrated) very close assassination attempts on Trump. (and possibly more attempts not fully disclosed, such as by he Iranians and other groups.)

In Butler, PA, Trump came very close to being eliminated like JFK, MLK, or RFK, the Deep State/ globalists almost successful in silencing forever Trump and a larger movement, to prevent a move by Trump for national sovereignty and U.S. national protection from globalism and global dependence, to prevent globalists from econoically reigning us into submission. To prevent a move by Trump to restore Constitutional rights and protections, and restoring of Constitutional balance of powers)
Weirdly enough, Thomas Michael Crooks' father, instead of cooperating and giving all he could to investigators, went silent and just lawyered up. And the lawyer he chose was the same CIA-connected law office as Alexander Vindman used in the Trump whistleblower impeachment hearings.
Also very odd, Ryan Routh, an apparen roofer with very little income that can be tracked, traveled as a mercenary all over the world, easily travelling in and out of he most radical muslim counries in the world, and bringing them to Ukraine to fight as mercenaries on the Ukrainian side. To move through countries like that without a problem, someone would need some very high level federal connections with CIA and/or State Department, and maybe FBI. And he had a girlfriend that with all the Secret Service and FBI's investigative resources, no one can identify or locate a trace of. You'd almost think she was... Ryan Routh's CIA liason or case handler? And that maybe Routh was contracted by CIA to assassinate Trump, and the location where Trump would be that day was given to Routh by CIA, or some partner federal agency closely observing Trump's daily movements. Both of these shooting attempts reek of CIA, FBI and/or other federal agencies. Things that a random gunman just couldn't do or know, to even be there

Lawfare against Trump, weaponization of the courts against him, and failing in that, now an escalation to assassination attempts on Trump, to silence him forever and prevent him from dismantling a decades-evolving expanding corrupt Deep State. Right before their planned socialist authoritarian lockdown.
BLM and Antifa riots and revoluion nationwide(culminating in 2020), tearing down U.S. monuments and history, while exalting socialism as more fair, a better system.
Related destruction of patriotism and our history through leftist teachers and woke indoctrination in schools.
87,000 new IRS agents to furher harass, intimidate and cripple Republican donors and grassroots support.
Lockdown and censorship of social media.
Inundating and further crippling the country with illegal immigrants, drug cartels, crime, and further lawlessness and intimidaion. Cloward and Piven strategy: overwhelm the system and amid the panic and chaos distracting the public, collapse the system and replace it with a Marxist authoritarian lockdown government. And declare the constitutional patriots trying to save the Republic as the TRUE dangerous insurrectionists undermining Democracy, to rationalize your authoritarian lockdown as a necessary measure to SAVE democracy, as you are actually the ones CRUSHING Democracy.
Termed "Cultural Marxism"
Or "Active Measures".
Or "Cloward-Piven strategy".
Or as former Obama official and CNN hos Van Jones terms it : "Top down, bottom up, inside out." Confuse the people with both Marxist revolution within such as Soros-funded government officials, with fake "grass roots" NGO's "helping" from outside the country,(actually further destroying and dividing) and Soross-funded revolutionary Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Open Borders movement. Working from all sides to confuse and overwhelm the public.

All slighly variant Marxist written plans developed in different parts of the world, as ways to de-stabilize and replace a formerly stable Constitutional republic.
What George Soros has orchestrated and perfected over the last 30 years in more than a dozen former Soviet and Eastern Bloc countries.

Trump's aides and cabinet officials are (or in many cases prosecuted, WERE) rich men who could have just walked away from Trump, and away from fighting the corrupt Deep State system, as Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell , Lisa Murkowski, John Roberts and other Republicans of the Deep State have, to keep their popularity, their power, their blood money, and their favors among the corrupt elite.
But these Trump officials have endured abuse and risked everything, to do what is right, to save the country from the Deep State of the Democrat-Bolsheviks, and of the sellout RINO Republican wing, who take the Lefts's money for both power and a seat at the table among the globalist elite . These RINO Republicans are he ones who give lip service to securing the border, or stopping the Democrats from adding 87,000 new IRS agents. But then at the last minute "cross over" in "bi-partisanship" and give Democrats the votes they need to pass radical nation-destroying legislation. The John Cornyns, the Lisa Murkowskis, the Mitch McConnells, the Mitt Romneys, the Susan Collins's, the Angus Kings, the John McCains, the Joe Manchins, the Lindsey Grahams, and many more Republicans and so-called moderates, who always condemn legislation in a show of opposition, then turn out to becone of the deciding votes in favor of what they previously condemned.
Taking a bribe to do it?
Hidden leftist ideology?
I think different ones cave in for different reasons, but regardless of the reason, they sell us out. With the recent surveillance through FISA warrants of the entire Trump campaign, and then the entire Trump White House for its first 6 months. Some can be bribed, and beyond that, many who can't be bribed can then be blackmailed. Going back to "Filegate" during he Clinton adminisrtation. And he Democrats are twice as evil, twice as crazy now. And needless to say the James Comeys, the Andrew McCabes, the Peter Strzoks, he Bill Priestaps and Kevin Clinesmiths. OBVIOUS corruption, and playing God with he power they have, as Democrat zealots who have hundreds of texts, and many others deleted we can't read, made abundantly clear they are fanaics who will do anything to rig a win for the Democrat-Bolshevik Party.

CLEARLY, you are utterly immune to logic and facts.
But I keep citing the facts.

And Alan Dershowitz and Jonahan Turley comment pretty much EVERY DAY on multiple programs on Fox News, Newsmax, FBN, and probably on CNN and other liberal networks where they are more likely to be cut off, shouted over, or just censored and edited out. But they make the effort regardless. The illegal FISA surveillance, the lawfare to rig the 2020 and 2024 elections, the faked letter from 51 intelligence officials (their security clearances now revoked by Trump on his 2nd or 3rd day), the Hunter Biden laptop contents, buried for a year by tagens of the Democrat-Bolshevik FBI, censorship that blocked information about the Biden laptop during the 2020 election to rig the 2020 election for Biden (a k a, the "Twitter files").

On and on, the Deep State abuses of federal agency power .

When Dershowitz and Turley were on CNN and Charlie Rose (circa 2003-2008), I mostly didn't agree with them on issues like the Patriot Act, or like interrogation or treatment of Al Qaida prisoners, but I still would listen to them, and their perspective of the law on those issues. You should do the same, M E M.
And there was a post I made about he Patriot Act 20 years ago, that even if government invade my freedoms while looking for info to protect ou naional security, my stated opinion then was I have nothing to hide.

Well... now I've seen how rule of law has eroded in the U.S., and a state, even the UNITED STATES (under people like Obama, Biden, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Clinesmih) can use that trust in government to use people's private info to target political groups they don't like (such as religious conservatives, or pro-life activists, or even dissenting Democrats they don't like, a leader like Trump who is outperforming the Democrat-Bolshevik candidate in a coming eleciton, surveila nd target an entire Trump administration to eliminate them, or even target everyone in an entire political party.

And while you brainwash yourself, ignoring he facts, to act like TRUMP and his supporters are the ones in the wrong, I've cited the Democrat party and Democrat-media lies and false narratives over and ove, that show your side is authoritarian and dangerous, and ours (The Trump wing) is trying to restore checks and balances and pull us away from the path to authoritarianism.
My fear is that when the Trump movement eventually leaves and the pendulum swings in 4 or 8 or 12 years, your side will immediately re-politicize every branch of government the way Obama and Biden already have, and go even more authoritaria- Bolshevik.

I believe very firmly that the current fanaticism of your side makes it urgent that they never again regain power. Just look at the maniac comments by Democrats (boh elected Democras, and in the news media) just since the election.
They've learned nothing, they're just as crazy. advocating EVEN MORE lawfare, EVEN MORE open borders, EVEN MORE protection of criminals, and especially, of criminal Democrat leaders, even the criminals in FBI, DOJ, the januaary 6th committee who shredded heir own evidence (obviously because i was falsified and incriminated them) and in he Obama White House that TARGETED RUMP AND HIS SPPORTERS, but NOW wants to be prtected from PROSECUTION FOR THOSE CRIMES Falsified informaion submitted to a judge, illegal FISA warrants, Obstrucing justice. Leaking classified FBI documents. Malicious prosecution.

But now hey want blanket pardons for crimes which they'e never even been indicted for !! Has that ever been done before?!?
Does that not give you ANY PAUSE, M E M?
No, stupid question, of course it doesn't. If your party brought men in cages like ISIS and slit the throats of Republicans on the beach and beheaded them, without evidence, without trial, you'd still find a way to rationalize and endorse it, just because your party says it's okay.

Imprisoning Trump on made up fake charges in "novel cases", that NO ONE ELSE BEFORE OR SINCE will ever be prosecuted for, is one step toward that.

I mentioned years ago how former Bill Clinton secretary Robert Reich fantasized about, circa mid-2020 about having televised trials where former Trump officials would be forced to publicly confess their crimes to the nation. That is straight out of Stalin, Mao, or Orwell. And you are okay with that.

Or the PBS executive attorney who fantasized about using DHS to take away Republicans' children, and give them to state-appointed liberal-leftist foster parents, to be raised and indoctrinated in the "right" way of thinking. And you apparently have no problem with that.

Or the many, MANY Democrat campaign officials secretly video-interviewed by Project Veritas, or similar interviews of employees or executives of Google, Twiitter and Facebook, how hey censor, delete accounts, shadow-ban or otherwise use algorithms to weed out and silence all conservative opinion and factual aritcles that disprove the liberal narrative . And how intensely they hate Republicans and fantasize about killing them or putting them in Gulags, or "re-educaion centers". .
Or Disney cartoon and movie production people, plotting to put gay-trans messaging in kids' entertainment.

Or public school teachers, videos they themselves posted, found and re-posted on the conservative "Libs of Tik Tok" blog, of purple-haired trans justice warrior teachers who feel their holy mission is to use their position to censor and eliminate all Republican/conservative thought, to indoctrinate and push a liberal left ideas in their classrooms. Openly gloating that hrough indoctrination, or msybe also seduction: "Well take away your children."

"Liquidate them, and by liquidate I mean kill" said one FBI undercover agent who quoted what Weather Underground Marxist leaders said to him, as one of their Weather Underground fellow revolutionaries. William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrne.
And Barack Obama was a close associate of William Ayers for many years. Obama's first political fundraiser was in Ayers' home, and political introductions and connections were provided by William Ayers. For many years Obama and Ayers would travel on joint book-signing tours to cities across he country.

And thatWeaher Underground "liquidattion" menttaliy is no different from what New York Times reporters (Jennifer Rubin), former Clinton officials (Robert Reich), Bernie Sanders campaign officials and grassroots volunteers ALL advocate.
Rubin said: "We have o destroy the Republican party so completely it can never come back."
Bernie Sanders election staffers and volunteers said they wanted to either just slaughter Republicans if they won, or alternately just lock hem up in "re-programming camps" for torture or indoctination.
All previously posted here, in their own self-incriminating written or videotaped exact words.

And the fact that you don't dispute or challenge these QUOTED remarks as something disturbing and wrong, tells me you're totally on board with whatever your Bolshevik party does.
Up to and including weaponization of government, imprisonment, torture, and genocide.
In your years-long acceptance here of the craziest ideological and authoritarian things your party does or plans to do, well... hey, no problem.
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Butt Drugs Lothar of The Hill People 2025-01-26 4:58 AM

Free parking in the rear!
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