Re: New history of the DC universe.
Wonder Boy
2025-03-24 10:21 AM
. Yeah, you just explained why I stopped buying new books about 15 to 20 years ago. They re-booted all my favorite characters so many times that I no longer recognized them or could keep track of all the re-boots, so I just completely lost interest. I got tired of giving new titles a shot, and after spending a considerable amount of money, just being consistently disappointed with the new versions I was reading. Nice wraparound cover, though. ![[Linked Image from]]( Maybe there's still some great stuff still out there I haven't seen, but I'm frankly tired of paying money for material that consistently disappoints me, to find it worth the effort to keep buying. Bored with the constantly re-booted new work, I've increasingly in recent years been exploring past eras of comics history, that I find to have a higher ratio of good stuff. Such as SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN across its entire 20-year run. And there is extensive past work left to explore, by the likes of O'Neil, Thomas, Moench, Gulacy, Aparo, McGregor, Morrow, Wood, Williamson, Englehart, Infantino, Nino, Kubert, Kirby, Ditko, Dowling, Macklin, Corben, Jaxon, and countless others. I prefer the work from earlier eras, where they had distinctive styles and innovation, opening up completely new ground As contrasted with the recent era's constant re-boots and re-treads of the same stories over and over.
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Re: Chuck Schumer ain't quitting.
Matter-eater Man
2025-03-24 12:31 AM
He voted for it because he believed it was the least worst choice. A shut down would have given Trump and his toadies free rein to even be more destructive. They fired essential people on our nuclear stuff and last I heard was struggling to get them back. Stupid and dangerous. We are all watching our country being dismantled for the benefit of the very wealthy.
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Re: Tim Tyler art
Wonder Boy
2025-03-18 11:32 PM
. ![[Linked Image from]]( A commission page by Tim Tyler, a pseudo AMAZING SPIDER-MAN cover. With Spider-Man fighting the Green Goblin... and Jason Vorhees, from the Friday the 13th movies !
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Re: Moments that define just how evil the Democrat party really is
Wonder Boy
2025-03-12 1:02 AM
And in related news... On February 13, 2022, the GiveSendGo website was hacked and its data on donations was released to journalists and researchers through Distributed Denial of Secrets.[78][79] Four days later, it was revealed that the hacker who had claimed credit, Aubrey Cottle, had been threatened with murder. In the meantime, GiveSendGo had contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation to see if he could be prosecuted.[80] Of the 92,845 donations, 55.7 per cent of donors were from the United States, and 39 per cent from Canada. Many of the American donors' names correspond to the names of Donald Trump donors.[81][82] The hack also revealed that one $90,000 donation allegedly came from American software billionaire Thomas Siebel.[82] Some members of the Ontario Provincial Police were revealed to have donated to the convoy on GiveSendGo, prompting the OPP to launch an internal conduct investigation.[83] The American publication Politico reported that American right-wing commentators Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro were among personalities directing support to the Canadian movement's crowdfunding websites.[84] Based on research by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, from January 28 to February 5, a link to the original Freedom Convoy GoFundMe campaign was posted at least two dozen times on 4chan. According to Politico, white supremacist channels [  ] on Telegram also repeatedly shared the link.[84] A classic bit of sweeping Left-wing media misdirection and demonizaion there, of those who disagree with the liberal media POV. The media in this example ignores the authoritarian corruption of the Leftist Canadian government, that imposed the credit-freezing practices of the Chinese Communist Party government, to deny Canadians their right to peacefully protest. . The Canadian government even froze the bank accounts of people who just supported the trucker protesters, and brought them food and other gestures of support. Once the Emergencies Act had been invoked, all crowdfunding platforms or payment providers hosting fundraising related to the convoy were required to register with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada. Banks were given the power to freeze accounts of those suspected to be involved in the blockades.[85][86]
On March 3, GoFundMe executive Juan Benitez testified to the House of Commons that 86 per cent of the donors to the original GoFundMe campaign were Canadian, and 88 per cent of the donated funds to the original campaign were from Canadians. Benitez added that GoFundMe did not identify any donors to the campaign that were affiliated with terrorist or organized crime groups.[87] And Democrats in the U.S. loved these Chinese Communist Party-type moves by the Canadian government, and saw this account-freezing tactic as one they would like to use to shut down Republican dissent in the future, inside the U.S. . And you've seen this happen with gun manufacturers and gun retailers since. Who many banks now won't give business loans. Some credit cards in the U.S. won't allow customers to charge a gun purchase on their credit card. They have to pay for a gun purchase by cash, or by some other method. And also in the cases of people forced to defend themselves against malicious state prosecution charges, such as Roger Stone, and other Trump officials. And likewise, fundraising pages not available to men who only killed in self-defense, such as Daniel Penny in New York City, who likewise are barred from using GoFundMe and other [lefttist-owned] fundraising websites. Likewise Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. When Democrats don't like someone's politics or race, they shut off the funds. In the case of a Lefist-governed state, can shut off access to funds in a dissenter's own bank account. Bu meanwhile, leftis-owned fundraising accounts have NO PROBLEM allowing CEO-shooter Luigi Mangione to fundraise online for HIS legal defense. Because the leftist owners of fundraiding websites apparently like and approve of guys who kill healthcare company CEO's. . I wonder if shooting of a Crowdfund or GiveSendGo CEO might change their perspective on the wisdom of allowing legal defense funds for cold-blooded killers. But they won't allow fundraising for a guy who only killed in self-defense, who shouldn't even have been prosecuted.  .
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Re: For the love of MAD...
Wonder Boy
2025-03-11 4:06 AM
. MAD 242, October 1983, that includes a movie parody of "Return of the Jedi" by Mort Drucker. And also by Drucker, a parody of the TV series "The A-Team" . A-Team has recently regained popularity, with marathons of episodes running several times a week on Sundance channel, and also now on IFC. Outside of MAD, artist Robert Crumb did a story titled "The Ruff-Tuff Cream-Puffs Take Charge", that first ran in HUP # 1, in 1987, and could double as another parody of the A-Team. "The Ruff-Tuffs" story later appeared also in the collected book R.CRUMB'S AMERICA (Last Gasp, 2005, in a larger 9" X 12" size)
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Re: Now you can smell like a super hero!
Wonder Boy
2025-03-11 1:16 AM
I was just thinking, what if Peter Strzok became a comics writer, and he regards super heroes as Trump supporters. That could be a line in one of his comics :
" I just came from WalMart, ugh, you can almost smell the Trump supporters superheroes."
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Re: Post-Apocalyptic stories in comics
Wonder Boy
2025-03-08 3:25 AM
. It occurs to me that another post-apocalyptic series (although more of a space-travel science fiction series, as well as a romance with Alanna) is Adam Strange, in MYSTERY IN SPACE 53-91, by Fox and Infantino. On the planet Rann, they had a devastating global nuclear war, from which a thousand years after, the people of Rann are still struggling to recover from.![[Linked Image from]]( Infantino reluctantly left the Adam Strange series in 1964, assigned to work on the "new look" Batman in DETECTIVE 327-369. The series continued after Infantino's last issue in MYSTERY IN SPACE 91 for a few more issues, by artist Lee Elias, but it just wasn't the same without Infantino. The series was remarkably upbeat and optimistic for a post-apocalyptic series. Because it was more about Adam Strange as the hero of Rann, using his wits to repel one race of alien invaders after another., with Rann's nuclear war history mostly as a backdrop occasionally mentioned. The series also focused on the unrequited love of Adam Strange and Alanna. I first read these stories reprinted in STRANGE ADVENTURES 217-244 (1969-1973), in what seemed like a very long and well received series of reprints. Since then about 15 years ago, they were also reprinted in three DC Archives volumes. And just as I got the third volume, they announced an omnibus hardcover of the same issues. Here are all the Infantino issues, in MYSTERY IN SPACE 53-91 : And while I'm less enthusiaastic about the three origin story issues that preceded the Infantino run, here are the three Sekowsky issues in SHOWCASE 17-19 in 1958-1959 : I also really enjoyed the wedding story of Adam Strange and Alanna, in JLA 120-121. And a few Adam Strange team-up stories in three issues of BRAVE AND THE BOLD in three issues : issue 90 ( a good "last Batman story", by Haney and Andru/Esposito), issue 161 (by Haney and Aparo), and issue 190 (by Barr and Infantino/Trapani) And a SECRET ORIGINS 17 story, Aug 1987, where Infantino once again pencilled Adam Strange in his origin re-telling. Why Murphy Anderson was not selected as inker (instead of Tony DeZuniga) is a mystery to me. Writing and art that re-tells the origin story, but for me strayed a bit too far from its Silver Age appeal. Thanks to DeZuniga, Infantino's art was virtually unrecognizable. As compared with this "Space Museum" tribute in SECRET ORIGINS 50, also pencilled by Infantino, and beautifully inked by George Perez, that I think in both story and art perfectly re-captures the Silver Age stories it was tribute to. Adam Strange's run was one of the brightest lights of the Silver Age. And likewise Infantino's FLASH run and DETECTIVE COMICS run, particularly the Elongated man backup stories in DETECTIVE. And Gil Kane's THE ATOM, and Kubert's HAWKMAN, and the early Zatanna crossover appearances. All very fondly remembered. A wonderful blend of beautiful art, whimsey and optimism across all of these Schwartz-edited titles. In Adam Strange's case, even amid the aftermath a thousand years after a nuclear war on Rann. . Again, updated with working links.
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Re: insurrectionist Democrat-Bolshevik calls for revolution
Matter-eater Man
2025-03-02 3:32 PM
Trump proves his unfitness every day sadly. The Oval Office shameful meeting with Zelenskyy just being the latest. Russian state media was allowed in but not Reuters or the AP. Here’s a fact check that includes the social security fake lies you were promoting… Fact checking ElonSocial security payments for 150-year-olds? Social security provides a base income for people in the US who are either retired or can't work because of a disability. It covers about 67 million Americans. Regarding the programme, Musk said: "There's crazy things… cross re-examination of Social Security, and we've got people in there that are 150 years old." He did not provide evidence of this. BBC Verify has been unable to find specific evidence for the claim - although we don't have access to all the US social security data that Musk has been granted. "I think they're probably dead… and then there's a whole bunch of social security payments where there's no identifying information," Musk added. There have been previous reports which have identified tens of billions of dollars of fraud in social security payments - but we have found no specific evidence of 150-year-olds claiming benefits. There is a 2023 report by the social security inspector general which identified about 19 million people born in 1920 or earlier who didn't have any death data on file - 44,000 of whom were still receiving social security benefits. The report was triggered by calls to better maintain claimant records, after the Social Security Administration in 2021 estimated some 24,000 people received payments by the agency after death, amounting to almost $300m. There were an estimated 101,000 people over 100 years old in 2024 across the US, according to the Pew Research Center, most of whom you would expect to be receiving social security, considering it covers retired people. Like the condoms for Gaza it’s not true.
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