I'm not convinced putting sentences into large font and bold is going to persuade anyone, Dave. My eyes skim over it.

As a foreigner (not to me, but to most of you) setting aside the deaths and injuries of the day, I think I was most dismayed by the Confederate flag being walked through the Capitol building.

That's got to be a cause of national shame, no matter your political persuasion. I think about something analogous and its consequences: There'd be riots if the nazi flag was walked through the Houses of Parliament in London, let alone the National Assembly in Paris.

Lincoln would have been spinning in his grave. I watched General Milley talk about this during I think a congressional hearing, and when he noted it, you could see he had to swallow his fury. How galling that the enemy flag of a slaving nation should be in any government building except as a trophy of war, let alone upright while lawmakers scrambled to safety.