I listened to a Jack Cashill’s segment on Ashli. He leaves out everything that maga world wants to cover up. She rammed her car repeatedly into another woman’s vehicle who got multiple restraining orders on her. Babbit on social media lapped up conspiracy theories like pizza gate. None of that gets a mention. Ashli Babbit is presented in the best light possible who is upset about all the crazy Covid rules. He mentions some doctors that also thought the Covid stuff was crazy. One of them recently got sentenced for punching a police officer on Jan 6. That also isn’t part of the story because maga world wants these people to be martyrs. The FBI is presented as the ones responsible for all the violence on Jan 6. This is apparently a fact because of bomb sniffing dogs didn’t find either of the pipe bombs from that day and other questions that don’t have answers. He doesn’t try to explain why the FBI would try to do something like that. Trump had lost the election and his only hope on that day was trying to make his VP do his bidding. It was Trump that wanted his people there. And it was Trump that avoided asking them to leave after the violence started. Trump saw all this as to his benefit. His wife responded to a plea to get his people to leave with a simple one word response of NO. That stuff doesn’t play into Cashell’s narrative. That wouldn’t sell with his conservative audience. Honestly from what I’ve read of Babbit she had some mental health issues and drank deeply the kool aid. In that sense I see her as a victim but that isn’t useful to maga world and that’s Cashill’s audience. For her effort to stop a free and fair election to help loser Trump, Jack disgustingly calls her a patriot. She is far from that.