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#1233191 12/05/2020 2:00 AM
by Prometheus
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#1233192 Dec 5th a 02:07 AM
by Pariah
Hehe. He basically confirmed the playbook that everyone expected.
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#1233217 Dec 5th a 09:02 PM
by Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy
I'm just amazed that even Democrat zealots could have voted for Biden. This is a guy who is mentally unfit to be president, and can barely finish a sentence. THIS is the guy they would trust with the nuclear football. A guy who is incapable of taking the 3 AM phone call and making a military decision in the event of a sudden threat from Russia or China or Al Qaida.

And here in the video you posted (that is for some reason getting a lot of play 3 weeks later instead of when it was fresh) we see that Biden (who was the Trojan horse to get the radical Democrat Left inside the gates) is already telegraphing his exit strategy. And this is not a complete surprise from Biden, who has telegraphed since as early as 1974 (again, on video) that he's ready to prostitute himself and his office to anyone who will reward him financially for it. This clip is just re-affirming what he has already solicited, for decades.

I pray to God that Trump and his lawyers successfully overcome the election fraud and secure Trump a second term. Because if the radical Democrat Left seizes the White House (where Biden is already telegraphing his exit, to accomodate them) they will burn this country to the ground.

Even before Biden has secured a victory, in a period he would be expected to give only soft assurances so as not to alarm the public before the election dispute is over, Biden and his fanatic party are talking about :
1) ceasing to deport illegals, even criminal illegals. The caravans of thousands, building to millions, will be building even before inauguration day.

2) Biden wants to implement another a 6-week lockdown, despite that the vaccine is ready from two companies and ready to immunize the nation, even before January 20th, but still ready to enter us in another lockdown, just like the previous one that was more economically devastating than the Great Depression.

3) Biden has made clear he would crush the fossil feul industry and millions of jobs with it, that would also in the same move eliminate our energy independence and return us to a need for foreign oil, and foreign wars to secure that oil, that Trump was making sure we'd never have to fight again.

4) Re-entering the Paris/Kyoto environmental agreement, despite that for many years before Trump withdrew the U.S., we were complying and no other nation was, further crushing U.S. industry.

5) Re-entering the Iran Nuclear deal, that assures Iran will get nuclear weapons, and will become a global threat.

6) Re-establishing U.S. funding of the World Health Organization, despite that WHO is the lapdog of China, lied to the U.S. and the world and offered no protection for us or the rest of the world from Covid-19 and the danger coming from China, and Biden would require no personnel changes or restructuring of the WHO, to assure thay would protect us any better in the future.

7) The Biden administration appointments are all people who are completely subservient to China, and would do nothing to protect the U.S. and the rest of the world from China's stated (not assumed or speculated, STATED) plans to overtake us militarily and economically to become the world's only superpower. Despite examples of Chinese aggression warning us at every turn, cyber-warfare, helping rig the 2020 election, building military islandss in the South China Sea, aggression toward all their neighbors, roughly 1 to 3 million Uyghurs in concentration camps in Xinjiang province of western China (a clear sample of what China would do to the rest of the world, if they gain supremacy), China's broken promises and brutal consolidation of power in Hong Kong, and further preparations to do so in Taiwan, on and on.

These are all things "moderate" Biden has telegraphed he wants to implement in just his first 100 days, if inaugurated. He didn't even try to hide his an his party's intentions until inaugfuration day.

"Build back better" = NATIONAL SUICIDE.

And make no mistake, a Biden presidency and U.S. weakness will be tested by all our enemies worldwide, in the first few months of a Biden presidency.
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#1233228 Dec 6th a 03:58 AM
by Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy
Cross-pollenating topics:

Joe Biden accused of sexual assault topic

Particularly the video about all Biden's weird sexual behavior around women, particularly little girls.

"Do any of these women LOOK COMFORTABLE"?!?
No, not really.
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