I was watching about 2 PM today when the news broke. No speech by Biden, who is no doubt drooling and incoherent, just a brief press-release written statement, no doubt written by his puppetmasters within the Biden White House, and not Biden himself.
Roughly a month ago, the Biden / Trump presidential debate made it crystal clear Biden is incapable of being president
now, let alone serving a second term.
Even Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski the next day afer the debate were urging on air for Biden to withdraw, along with Van Jones and Democrat House and Senate members.
It started with 4 or 5 House Democrats urging Biden to withdraw, and as of yesterday, it was 37, with maybe another 10 ready to ask Biden to withdraw tomorrow, if he didn't today.
And just as quickly in the next few days, Joe and Mika and the other pundits completely flipped the narrative, and were again all in for Biden. Hey, you just IMAGINED we were crittical of Joe yesterday, tha didn' really happen. That was just a right wing trick. RIGHT WING !!
But clearly, two factions, for and against Biden, were fighting it out behind the scenes.
I saw Biden campaign officials today on Fox, not an hour before the drop-out, insisting Biden is within striking distance and can still defeat Trump, and then... the announcement, with Biden nowhewre in sight, that he is out.
And then, FURTHER hilarity.
Biden doesn't endorse Kamala Harris.
No comment from Kamala, no mention even of who her possible VP running mates would be.
Bill and Hillary Clinton announce on social media supporting Kamala Harris (translation:
"Ohh Kamala, please, PLEASE pick ME as your VP running mate !" )
Barack Obama does NOT endorse Kamala Harris.
And Obama, in a backstabbing sneaky way behind the scenes, has led the charge to undermine Biden. First with George Clooney and other celebrities and pundits in editorials bearing witness o Biden's barely hidden feebleness, callling for Biden to pull out.
Then when that failed to make Biden pull out, Obama sent in the next wave, of House and Senate Democrats officials calling for Biden to pull out of the 2024 race.
James Clyburn and the DNC race hustler caucus chime in supporting Kamala Harris, based only on skin color. Certainly not proven ability.
DNC rules say Biden/Harris campaign funds can only go to the DNC candidate if it remains either Biden or Harris.
But other Democrats want an open DNC convention, where a few elites within the party can hand-pick who the candidate and VP ticket will be, and for them it's NOT Harris.
And all this happening about 15 weeks before the election.
The Democrat buffoons who rigged the primary for Biden have no time to re-group and promote anyone else before the election, no time to establish a clear platform and name recognition for another DNC candidate.
So they are stuck with Giggling Kamala.
Excuse me while I pop another bag of popcorn.